Read the text below. Match choices (A – H) to (1 – 5). There three
choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet:
_______________ .
music is music created as a commercial product. It is usually distinguished
from classical music and from folk music. Classical music is written chiefly
for concerts, operas, and ballets. Folk music is the traditional music of a
particular group or community of people, such as an occupational, ethnic, or
regional group. Folk music is usually learned by listening to another person
rather than by reading music.
(2) _______________
There are
many different styles of popular music in the United States , including bluegrass,
blues, country, gospel, jazz, musical comedy, rap, reggae, and rock. In some
cases, the categories of popular, folk, and classical music overlap. For
example, jazz and country music evolved out of folk traditions. Some styles,
such as blues and bluegrass, exist both as popular music and as folk music.
_______________ .
classical composers as Leonard Bernstein and Louis Moreau Gottschalk have
written pieces in the style of popular music. Although much popular music
expresses sentiments of love, other popular songs serve as a vehicle for social
commentary. Popular music is frequently thought to have meaning only for the
time in which it was created. However, many popular songs have endured for
(4) ________________.
Folk songs
held us to go through centuries of bondage, caught us to struggle, brought us
our forgotten history and told us about the glorious heroes of our land.
Many songs
are connected with folk customs and traditions. No true Ukrainian can live
without folk songs. Many composers use folk melodies in their creative works:
for example, S. Hulak-Artemovsky in “Zaporozhets za Dunajem”, M. Lysenko in
“Taras Bulba” and “A Christian Night”. The famous Ukrainian writer
I. Kotlyarevsky used folk songs in his
play “Natalka Poltavka”.
(5) _________________ .
Many songs
became folk because common people love to sing them.
Ukrainian composers as S. Ludkevych, D. Bortnyansky, K. Stetsenko and M.
Leontovych used many folk melodies while composing the music words for choir.
We must
admit that folk music is the integral part in our everyday life.
A. Folk songs told us about the glorious heroes of our
B. The classical composers never wrote their music in the
style of popular music.
C. Music that is created as a commercial product.
D. Many songs are connected with folk customs and
E. Popular music expresses sentiments of love and serves
as a vehicle for social commentary.
F. The distinctive features of classical music and folk
G. Classical music is written for a particular group or
community of people.
H. Famous styles of popular music in the USA .
Read the text
below. Match choices (A – H) to (1 – 5). There three choices you do not need to
use. Write your answers on the answer sheet:
Characteristics of English
(1) _____________ .
English, like modern German, French, Russian and Greek, had many inflections to
show singular and plural, tense, person, etc., but over the centuries words
have been simplified. Verbs now have very few inflections, and adjectives do
not change according to the noun.
(2) _____________ .
As a result
of the loss of inflections, English has become, over the past five centuries, a
very flexible language. Without inflections, the same word can operate as many
different parts of speech. Many nouns and verbs have the same form, for example swim, drink, kiss, look, and smile. We can talk about water to drink and to water flowers; time to go and to time a race; a paper to read and to
paper a bedroom. Adjectives can be used as verbs. We warm our hands in front of a fire;
if clothes are dirtied, they need to be cleaned and dried.
Prepositions too are flexible. A sixty-year old man is nearing
retirement; we can talk about a
round of golf,
cards, or drinks.
(3) _____________ .
This involves the free admissions of words from other languages and the
easy creation of compounds and derivatives. Most world languages have
contributed some words to English at some time, and the process is now being
reversed. Purists of the French, Russian and Japanese languages are resisting
the arrival of English in their vocabulary.
(4) _____________ .
Geographically, English is the most widespread language on the Earth,
second only to Mandarin Chinese the number of people who speak it. It is the language
of business, technology, sport, and aviation. This will no doubt continue,
although the proposition that all other languages will die out is absurd.
(5) ______________.
Modern English is an immensely varied language having absorbed material
from many other tongues. It is spoken by more than 300 million native speakers,
and between 400 and 800 million foreign users. It is the official language of
air transport and shipping; the leading language of science, technology,
computers and commerce; and a major medium of education, publishing and
international communication. For this reason the scholars frequently refer to
its latest phase as World English.
A. The future of English.
B. World English.
C. A very flexible language.
D. Mixed language heritage.
E. Openness of English vocabulary for other languages.
F. Current usage of Standard English.
G. The variations of English.
H. The competition of English with other languages.
Read the text below. Match
choices (A – H) to (1 – 5). There three choices you do not need to use. Write
your answers on the answer sheet:
Divided by a
Common Language
(1) __________ .
English is
the mother tongue of approximately 450 million people today. But because of its
importance as a language of business, science and popular culture, it is spoken
and/or understood by roughly one-third of the 5,5 billion people in the world.
(2) _________ .
Because of
this, there are many varieties of English (American, British, Canadian, Australian,
Jamaican, Indian etc.), as well as regional dialects. But despite the
differences, all English speakers recognize that they are speaking the same
basic language. Or do they?
(3) __________ .
When the
English colonists arrived in North America ,
they found new people and languages. As they lived, fought, and traded with
these people, many words, phrases, and usages were adopted into English. As
early as 1720, people began to notice that a new, distinct English was forming.
(4) __________ .
industrial revolution in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries increased
the differences between American and British English. Because technology
developed separately in both countries, different words were used to describe
the same object.
As the
twentieth century moved on, opportunities for communication between the two
nations grew more frequent. World War II brought millions of American troops to
Great Britain .
Although there was some tension the end result was a closer relationship and
(5) ____________ .
But the
real driving force for coming together was popular culture. “Talking pictures”
from the late 1920s, television, and rock music narrowed the gap by introducing
idioms, words, and usages. This trend is accelerating today, with cheaper and
quicker phone lines which allow data and video transmission throughout the
world, and the spread of Hollywood movies and
American TV worldwide.
A. Coming together.
B. English as a world language.
C. Speaking the same language.
D. A new land, a new language.
E. Growing apart.
F. Language trend.
G. The mother tongue of many countries
outside England .
H. A few millions of British troops in
the USA .
Read the text
below. Match choices (A – H) to (1 – 5). There three choices you do not need to
use. Write your answers on the answer sheet:
Poor Little Pet
(1) _____________ .
This happened in England shortly
after World War II. Mrs. Reed intended to give a party. She wanted to invite
her friends for dinner and a game of bridge. It was easy enough to ask people
to come, but far more difficult to provide a meal for them. She was thinking
about it when her maid-servant announced that there was a man at the back door
offering to sell mushrooms.
(2) ____________ .
The lady, accompanied by the little
terrier, came down to the kitchen and found there a rather disreputable-looking
stranger with a basket over his arm. The lady knew nothing about mushrooms and
she asked the man if they were not poisonous. The man reassured her that they
were good. The lady paid the money at once, ordering her servant to empty the
basket and return it to its owner. While the servant was emptying the basket
she dropped a mushroom, and the terrier immediately gobbled it. Seeing that,
the stranger said that the dog knew what was good. Pocketing
the money, he laughed a malicious laugh and left the kitchen.
(3) ____________ .
The guests arrived at the
appointed hour and were served a dish of mushrooms, which they liked very much.
While the usual clattering of forks and knives was in progress, the hostess
noticed that the servant’s eyes were red with tears. Calling her aside, Mrs.
Reed asked her what was the cause of her tears. The girl said that she did not
want to upset, the lady, but she was crying because the dog had died.
(4) ____________ .
The terrible truth flashed through the lady’s brain. She saw her duty
clearly and addressing the guests she said that the mushrooms she had offered
them were poisonous. She added that if they wished to save their lives they
should act quickly.
There was a general outburst of emotions. Some of the
gentlemen swore, some of the ladies cried. Then one man suggested going to the
nearest hospital to have the contents of their stomachs pumped out. All rushed
for their dear lives. The staff of the hospital were surprised to see a group
of patients in evening dress. Naturally no one thought of playing cards after
that occurrence.
(5) ________________ .
arriving home, the lady asked where the terrier's body was.
“Oh,” said the servant, still sobbing, “the gardener
has buried it in the garden, for it was so badly smashed, and we didn't even
have enough time to put down the number of the car that so cruelly ran over the
poor little pet.”
A. The Terrible
B. A Stranger with Mushrooms
C. The Happy
D. Mrs. Reed's Intentions to Give a Party
E. The Real Reason
of the Dog's Death
F. England After
World War II
G. The Lady in the
H. The Guests at Dinner
Read the text below. Match
choices (A – H) to (1 – 5). There three choices you do not need to use. Write
your answers on the answer sheet:
Choosing a
(1) ___________ . There are as many kinds of careers as there are people. They vary
greatly in the type of work involved and in the ways they influence a person’s
The kind of
career you have can affect your life in many ways. For example, it can
determine where you live and the friends you make. It can reflect how much
education you have and can determine the amount of money you earn. Your career
can also affect the way you feel about yourself and the way other people act
toward you.
(2) __________ . By making wise decisions concerning your career, you can help yourself
build the life you want. To make wise career decisions and plans, you need as
much information as possible. The more you know about yourself and career
opportunities, the better you will be able to choose a satisfying career.
(3) ___________ . Learning about oneself. People differ in what they want from a
career. Many people desire a high income. Some hope for fame. Others want
adventure. Still others want to serve people and make the world a better place.
Before you
begin to explore career fields, you should determine: (1) your values; (2) your interests; and (3)
your aptitudes (abilities). Most people are happiest in jobs that fit their
values, interests, and aptitudes.
(4) ___________ . Each person has many values, which vary in strength. For example,
money is the strongest value for some people – that is, wealth is more
important to them than anything else. As a result, they focus their thoughts,
behavior, and emotions on the goal of earning a high income. Other values
include devotion to religion, taking risks, spending time with family, and
helping others. People should understand their values prior as making a career
(5) ___________ . You can develop an understanding of your values by asking yourself
what is most important to you and by examining your beliefs. For example, is it
important to you to work as a member of a team? Or would you rather be in
charge or work alone? If working alone or being in charge is important to you,
independence is probably one of your primary values.
A. The pieces of advice how to develop
an understanding of values of life.
B. The necessity of understanding moral
values prior to making a career decision.
C. Three reasons that make most people
happiest in jobs.
D. Money is the strongest value in
E. Wise decisions to build the life you
F. The career opportunities are the
best advantage of life.
G. How the kind of career can affect a
person’s life.
H. Primary and secondary values of
Read the text below. For assignments (6 – 11) choose
the correct answer (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the answer sheet:
A Message to the
Our planet
Earth is one of nine planets revolving around the Sun, a fairly small and
ordinary star, which lies in the outer areas of the Milky Way galaxy. There are
about 250 billion stars in our galaxy and billions of galaxies in the universe.
People have always rendered about the possibility of intelligent life forms on
other planets. In recent years this has become serious scientific speculation.
Some scientists believe that there must be large numbers of stars with planets
which could support living intelligent beings. Perhaps we will never know. The
nearest star is 4,3 light years away. A light year is the distance covered by
light travelling at about 186,000
miles a second in one year. It would take the fastest
Earth spacecraft about 40,000 years to reach the nearest star.
For a
number of years radio telescopes have been trying to pick up signals from outer
space, so far without success. There are, however, millions of possible radio
frequencies, and there is no reason why a completely alien civilization should
not use a different type of communication, such as X-rays or even a type of
wave we have not yet discovered. Suppose contacts were made with beings 300
light years away. By the time we had sent our reply and received their
response, the earth would be 600 years older. It would be an interesting, but
rather slow-moving conversation!
6. The nearest star is … .
A. 4.3 light years away B. 1,5 light years away
C. 2 light years away D. 10 light years away
7. There are about … in our galaxy.
A. 100 billion stars B. 200 billion stars
C. 250 billion stars D. 10 billion stars
A. 186,000 miles a
second B. 100,000
miles a second
C. 20,000 miles a
second D. 10,000
miles a second
9. Suppose contacts were made with beings … .
A. 100 light years away B.
200 light years away
C. 10 light years away D. 300 light years away
10. It would take the fastest spacecraft about … to reach
the nearest star.
A. 10,000 years B. 40,000 years
C. 200,000 years D. 15,000 years
11. By the time we had sent our reply and received their
response, the Earth would be … .
A. 600 years younger B.
400 years older
C. 600 years older D. 100 years older
Read the text below. For assignments (6 – 11) choose
the correct answer (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the answer sheet:
Money is
used for buying or selling goods, for measuring value and for storing wealth.
Almost every society now has a money economy based on coins and paper bills of
one kind or another. However, this has not always been true. In primitive
societies a system of barter was used. Barter was a system of direct exchange
of goods. Somebody could exchange a sheep, for example, for anything in the
marketplace that they considered to be of equal value. Barter, however, was a
very unsatisfactory system, because people’s precise needs seldom coincided.
needed more practical system of exchange, and various money systems developed
based on goods which the members of a society recognized as having value.
Cattle, grain, teeth, shells, feathers, skulls, salt, elephant tusks, and tobacco
have all been used.
metals gradually took over because, when made into coins, they were portable,
durable, recognizable, and divisible into larger and smaller units of value. A
coin is a piece of metal, usually disc-shaped which bears lettering, designs or
numbers showing its value. Until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, coins
were given monetary worth based on the exact amount of metal contained in them,
but most modern coins are based on face value — the value that governments choose
to give them, irrespective of the actual metal content.
governments now issue paper money in the form of bills, which are really
“promises to pay”. Paper money is obviously easier to handle and much more
convenient in the modern world. Checks and credit cards are being used
increasingly, and it is possible to imagine a world where “money” in the form
of coins and paper currency will no longer be used.
6. What is modern money economy based on?
A. coins and paper bills B.
exchange of goods
C. barter deals D. precious metals
7. What system was used in primitive societies?
A. exchange of
cattle for gold B.
barter systems
C. exchange of
salt, gold and silver D. system of coins
8. Why was barter a very unsatisfactory system of
A. because the society recognized shells as having some
B. it was not easy to exchange a sheep for a cow
C. cattle couldn’t be divided into
smaller units of value
D. because people’s needs seldom
9. How was monetary worth given to coins?
A. by the amount of salt that could be bought by a coin
B. by their shape
C. by the amount
of metal contained in them
D. by the picture
on the coin
A. in the form of dollars
B. in the form of bills
C. in the form of
gryvnyas D.
in the form of pounds
11. What is the system of direct exchange of goods
A. market B. selling
C. barter D. buying
Read the text below. For assignments (6 –
11) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the answer
And what
about the American model of family? Most Americans live in the cottages with a
lawn, two cars in the garage, two television sets and a few telephones. A
typical family consists of parents and two children (although nowadays there
are more and more one-parent families in the U.S. ). When the children become
independent (very early), they move out and live on their own. Hence, the
family bonds in America
are not very strong. It is also not customary to live with grandparents.
Americans protect in this way their privacy and independence.
Although Americans care a lot about not being
disturbed, they are open and friendly. They are always ready to start a
conversation in the street, in a store or subway. However, this is usually a
meaningless “small talk” which does not tell you anything about the person you
are talking to. Still, Americans are very straightforward and always speak
their minds. So if you need help or have a problem, you have to tell them
directly. Otherwise, they will not react so as not to interfere with your private
It is often said that Americans are a nation without
roots. Indeed, they do not seem to be attached either to the house in which
they live or the place of their work. Everything that counts in their lives is
today: today’s home, today's job, today's friends…. Nothing is regarded as
constant. Americans are more mobile than any other nation in the world. They
are always on the move, restlessly looking for better prospects and a better
In Europe there are
people who have lived in the same house and been in the same job for 20, 30, 40
years and who would hate to pull up their roots and change to something new.
That’s not the American way of life. They love change, they call it “the spirit
of adventure’. So they still like to “move away”, to change homes and jobs.
Americans are often surprised when others question
their achievements, values or even their way of life. They are convinced that
they are a unique nation which invented almost everything from the telephone to
the artificial heart, and created the best of all possible worlds. True or not,
they are proud of themselves and their country.
A typical American family consists of ... .
A. parents and many children
B. parents, 2 children
C. parents, 2 or more children
D. parents, 3 children and grandparents
When the children become adults they ... .
A. move out and live in another city
B. move out and get married at once
C. move out and enjoy the life
D. move out and live on their own
8. The Americans are … .
A. very sociable B. open and friendly
C. little talkative D.
not straightforward
9. America is … .
A. a very mobile nation B.
a very constant nation
C. an old nation
with deep roots D. a modern nation with short roots
10. The Americans way of life is … .
A. not to change
anything new B.
to change homes
C. to change jobs D. to change jobs and homes
11. The Americans are convinced that … .
A. they are different in their way of
B. they live like the Europeans
C. they are a unique nation
D. they have nothing to be proud of
Read the text below. For assignments (6 – 11) choose
the correct answer (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the answer sheet:
It was a
three-block walk from the bus to the nursery school where Juanita had left her
little daughter this morning on her way to work. Juanita hurried, knowing she
was late. The little girl ran toward her as she entered the small playroom in
the basement of a private house. Though the house, like others in the area, was
old and in disrepair, the school rooms were clean and cheerful — the reason
Juanita had chosen the school in preference to others, though the cost was
higher and it was hard for her to pay. It was obvious from the stillness around
that the other children were all gone. Miss Ferroe, who owned and ran the
school, came in and looked pointedly at her watch. “Mrs Nunez, as a special
favour I agreed that Estella could stay after the others, but this is too
late.... Other parents observe the school’s closing time.”
“It won’t happen again, I promise,” said Juanita.
“Very well. But since you are here, Mrs. Nunez, may I remind you that last
month’s bill for Estella had not been paid.” “I really am sorry, Miss Ferroe.
It will be paid on Friday. I’ll have my paycheck then.” The school fees,
Juanita decided, would have to come out of her pay this week, as she had said,
and somehow she must manage until the payday after that. She wasn’t sure how.
Her wage as a teller at the bank was $83. Out of that
there was food to buy for the two of them, Estella’s school fees, plus rent of
the tiny flat they lived in; also the finance company would demand a payment
since she had missed the last. Before Carlos, her husband, left her, simply
walking out and disappearing a year ago, Juanita had been naive enough to sign
finance papers together with her husband. He had bought suits, a used car, a
colour TV on credit, all of which he took with him. Juanita, however, was still
paying and the installments seemed to stretch on into a limitless future.
6. Juanita's daughter studied in ... .
A. infant school C. secondary school
B. nursery school D. high school
7. The building of school was ... .
A. old and in disrepair C. clean and cheerful
B. modern D. renovated
8. The small playroom of the nursery school was in (on)
... of a private house.
A. the attic
B. the first floor
C. the second floor D. the basement
9. Juanita worked at ... .
A. the school B. the bank
C. the hospital D. the market
Juanita's wage was ....
A. $83 B. $73
C. $103 D. S303 :
11. Her husband … .
A. divorced her a year ago B. disserted her a
month ago
C. disappeared a year ago D. died a year ago
Read the text below. For assignments (6 – 11) choose
the correct answer (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the answer sheet:
professor of physiology, whose name was Floyd, was out visiting one winter
night, and the people at the house showed him a goldfish that had died because
the water that it was in had got frozen. The professor looked at the fish and
said, “Let me take it home and I think that tomorrow I can treat it in the
laboratory and revive it”.
So when he started for home they wrapped the goldfish
in a bit of paper and professor Floyd
put it in his overcoat pocket. It was a cold night, very late and with lots of
deep snow along the street. On the way home Floyd put his hand into his coat
pocket and accidentally flipped out the goldfish and it fell into the snow.
Floyd knelt down to pick it up, but he couldn't find
it and stayed there on his knees looking for it. Just then a policeman came
along. He stopped and said, “What are you doing there?”
Professors hate to be questioned. Floyd just looked over
his shoulder and said, “I am trying to find a goldfish”.
policeman then understood that he was dealing with a madman, and he said, “Now
you just come along with me and I'll take you to a place where we've a whole
lot of goldfish — all you want.” “All right,” Floyd said, “only just help me to
get this one first.”
To please him the policeman knelt down and began
looking in the snow and out came a goldfish! He was very much surprised.
“Great heavens!’ he said. “Are there any more?” “Maybe a whole lot,” Floyd said. As the
professor started off for home again, the policeman was still on his knees
looking for goldfish.
6. A professor of ... was out visiting one winter night.
A. psychology B.
C. psychiatry D. biology
7. The goldfish had died because ... .
A. it didn't have enough food to eat
B. there was not enough air
C. there was no water in the bottle
D. the water that it was in had got frozen
8. The people at the house showed the professor ... .
A. a goldfish B.
an old gold coin
C. a crab D. a crawfish
9. The professor said: ... .
A. “How very interesting!” B. “I'm sorry it has got
C. “Let me take it home” D. “I don't like fish”
10. Professor put the goldfish in ... .
A. a box B.
in his pocket
C. in a bag D. in his wallet
It was a cold night with lots of ... along the
A. people B.
C. deep snow D. mud
Read the text below. Match choices (A – H) to (12 –
16). There are three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the
answer sheet:
Mr. Sellyer is
Selling Books
One day I
went to a bookshop to look through new books. Mr. Sellyer showed me to the back
of the shop where I could find some interesting books. While I was looking
through the books, I could watch Mr.Sellyer at work and see some of his
methods. (12) ________. Mr. Sellyer
was showing a book to her.
“You are
quite sure it’s the latest?” the lady was saying to Mr. Sellyer. “Oh, yes,
Mrs.Rassel,” answered the manager.
(13) “_________ . It’s having a wonderful sale”.
I looked at
the title, the name of the book was “Golden
lady entered the bookshop. She was in deep mourning and looked like a widow.
She asked the manager to show her some new books, something new in fiction.
“Yes, Madam, here’s a charming thing “Golden
Dreams”. The critics say that it’s one of the sweetest things, written by
this author”.
“Is it a
good book?’ asked the lady.
“A charming
one”, said the manager.
(14) “__________ . My wife was
reading it aloud only last night. She was crying all the time while she was
reading it.”
The lady
bought “Golden Dreams” and left the
“Have you
any good light reading for vacation time?” asked the next lady. “Yes”, said Mr.
(15) “__________ . My wife was
reading it aloud only yesterday. She was laughing all the time while she was
reading it.” The lady paid for the book and went out.
_____________ . To one lady the manager sold “Golden Dreams” as the reading for a
holiday, to another as the book to read after the holiday, another bought it to
read on a rainy day and the fourth as the right book for a fine day.
When I was
leaving the bookshop, I went up to the manager and asked him, “Do you like the
book yourself?”
“Dear me!” said the manager. “I’ve no idea of
the book. I’ve no time to read every book. I’m selling.” “And did your wife
really like the book?” “I am not married, Sir”, answered the manager smiling.
A. So every customer went away with “Golden Dreams”.
B. This is Mr. Slush’s latest book.
C. One day I went to a library.
D. “Golden Dreams” is the most humorous book of the season.
E. “Golden Dreams” is a book about monsters.
F. A fashionably dressed woman was standing at the
G. Mr. Sellyer was
reading a book.
H. It’s a love
story – very simple and sweet and wonderfully charming.
Read the text below. Match choices (A – H) to (12 –
16). There are three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the
answer sheet:
The Shoplifter
__________ . He had been in prison several times. Last time
he was sentenced to ten months in prison for shoplifting when he tried to steal
a silver necklace for his girl-friend Susie.
(13) __________ . First he had a good meal in a restaurant,
then went to a cinema. He enjoyed being free again. He took a long walk in town
looking at the windows. He had a few dollars and wanted to buy a present for
his girl-friend Susie. He saw a pretty silk dressing gown in one window but he
didn’t like the colour, he saw a green and white striped cotton blouse in
another shop window but he didn’t like the pattern.
(14) __________ . But it was too expensive. Then he saw a nice
leather belt and first he thought that Susie would also like it. He was just
going to buy it but he changed his mind and thought it would make a poor
(15) _________ . There he saw a nice
gold bracelet on the counter. He always wanted a present like that. He had a
quick look around and saw nobody was watching him. The assistant was showing
diamond engagement ring to a customer. The next minute the gold bracelet was in
Joe’s pocket and he started for the door.
_________ .
“Young man”, said the owner of the shop, “I saw you stole a bracelet.
I’ll have to call the police.” Joe went pale. “Oh, no. Don’t do that. I’ll pay
for the bracelet. Yes, I’ll pay for it.”
The owner
of the shop then took a look at the gold bracelet and said, “All right. It’ll
be $600.” “Well,” said Joe. “Couldn’t you show me anything cheaper? I really
don’t want to spend that much.”
A. Joe Brian was a thief.
B. Joe Brian was in prison.
C. Then he went into a jeweller’s shop.
D. He looked at a fur cap in another shop.
E. He had many friends.
F. One day he left prison.
G. At that moment,
he felt a hand on his shoulder.
H. He went into a supermarket.
Read the text below. Match choices (A – H) to (12 – 16). There three
choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet:
Black Beauty
I don’t
remember everything about the time I was very small.
(12) __________ . There were a few
trees in it, and on hot days my mother stood
under a tree and I drank her milk. That was before I
grew bigger and began to eat the grass.
(13) __________ . As we grew bigger,
we played and ran round the field. We jumped about, or we went down on our
backs on the grass and kicked our legs happily in the air. We were glad to be
alive. When I stopped taking her milk, my mother went to work every day. She
came back in the evening, and I told her all about my day.
“I'm glad
you are happy,” she said. “Play as much as you can.”
___________ . They are all going to be farm horses; they’re good
horses, but not like us. Your father is well known in this part of the country,
and your grandfather — my father — was Lord Westland’s best horse. When you’re
a little older, you’ll learn to take people on your back or to take them from
place to place in their carriages.” I
asked, “Is that what your work is, Mother? Is that what you do for Farmer
what I do. Farmer Grey sometimes rides me and sometimes drives me as his
carriage horse. Here he is now.”
(15) ____________ .
He was a good, kind man, and he liked my mother very much.
“Well, my
dear Duchess”, he said to her, “here’s something for you.” He gave her
something nice to eat. “And how is your little son?” He patted me and gave me
some bread, which was very nice.
We couldn’t
answer him, but my mother showed him that she loved him.
He patted
her and went away.
“He’s very
kind,” my mother said, “and you must learn to please him.
_____________ . Never bite or kick. Then he’ll
always be nice to you”.
A. Always do your work gladly.
B. I remember a big farm horse.
C. My mother cooked meals every day.
D. Farmer Grey came into the field.
E. But you must remember: you are not like these other
young horses.
F. I remember a big field of green grass.
G. My mother told me fairy-tales.
H. There were some other young horses in the field.
Read the text
below. Match choices (A – H) to (12 – 16). There three choices you do not need
to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet:
(12) __________ .
Jazz has
many homes. Kansas City , Chicago ,
New York , San Francisco – each claims its own
distinctive style of this musical form. But jazz has only one birthplace. That,
indisputably, is New Orleans .
(13) ___________ .
musical scholars trace its origins back to slave gatherings in the city’s Congo Square , where
rhythmic dances were a local attraction before the Civil War. Others find its
roots in Storyville, the former red-light district, where black musicians
performed before a mainly white clientele. There were the “spasm’ bands on the
city streets, borrowing a musical phrase from the blues, another from the
church, another from some old French or Spanish tune that was familiar to
anyone from New Orleans .
(14) ___________ .
around 1900 this new music started rolling out of the city’s black
neighbourhoods. Legendary figures such as Bunk Johnson and Jelly Roll Morton
and King Oliver were playing it, in the nightclubs and on the riverboats. Then
in 1917 two local groups – The New Orleans Rhythm Kings and the Original
Dixieland Jazz Band – signed recording contracts and the music suddenly spilled
out to the rest of the world.
(15) ____________ .
Calling for
a high degree of improvisational skill within a structured framework, jazz
demanded discipline and creativity, genius in a mould. It changed from Dixie to
swing to bop and swept the world as America ’s most distinct sound. But
it almost died in the city that invented it.
(16) _____________
By the late
1950s, traditional jazz musicians could not get work here and the music they
had played in their youth was seldom heard.
A. Rhythmical dances attracted much
Borrowing a musical phrase from different styles of music.
C. Jazz became an America ’s most
distinct sound.
D. Many birthplaces of Jazz.
E. At the end of the second half of the
20th century jazz music was seldom heard.
F. One birthplace of Jazz.
G. Jazz music rapidly spread all over
the world.
H. Jazz died in Storyville.
Read the text below. Match
choices (A – H) to (12 – 16). There three choices you do not need to use. Write
your answers on the answer sheet:
Two Gentlemen of
(12) _____________ .
We were driving in a car from Switzerland
toward the beautiful old Italian city of Verona .
Just outside the city we met two boys, who were selling strawberries.
My friend spoke to the boys and found out that they
were brothers. Nicolo, was 13, Jacopo, the smaller was almost 12. We bought
their strawberries and continued our way to Verona .
(13) _____________ .
The next morning we saw the two boys again near our hotel in Verona . They were shining
the shoes of the men who passed by. They were very busy, but they said “hello”
to us in a friendly way.
“I thought you sold strawberries,” I said. “We do many
things, sir,” Nicolo answered seriously.
In the week
which followed we saw Nicolo and Jacopo several times. These two brothers
worked all day under the hot sun, shining shoes, selling fruit and newspapers.
They always looked very busy.
(14) ______________ .
One morning while Nicolo was shining my
shoes I said: “You and Jacopo work very hard. Tell me, how do you spend your
“We have plans, sir”, the boys said.
As we were soon leaving Verona we wanted to do something pleasant for
the boys who were friendly to us.
“Well,” I said, “can we do anything for you before we
go?” ‘
“Every Sunday we
go to a village not far from Verona ,”
Nicolo began. “We usually go by bus; but tomorrow, sir, may be you will take us
in your car.”
(15) ______________ .
On Sunday I took the boys to the village.
I stopped my car where the boys asked. It was a lovely big house. The boys
promised not to be long and entered the building. I waited a few minutes and
then I followed the boys.
me”, I said to a nurse who came to the door. “I just brought two small boys
“Ah, yes”,
she said with a smile.
(16) ______________ .
“Nicolo and Jacopo came to visit their sister. They are alone in the
world, except for their sister. Their mother and father died before the war.
When the fascists came to Verona
the boys began to carry secret messages in their shoes to the mountains. When
the war ended they found their sister sick with tuberculosis. They brought her
to our hospital. And every week the boys come to pay for their sister.”
I thanked
the nurse and waited outside. Soon the boys came back to the car. They sat
beside me, looking serious and proud, these two gentlemen of Verona .
The Brothers’ Parents E. Meeting Nicolo and Jacopo
The Brothers” Job F. Old
Italian City
of Verona
A Trip to the Village G. Our Life in a Hotel
A visit to the Sister H. The Boys’ Plans
Read the text below. Choose from (A – H) the one which
best fits each space (17 – 22). There are two choices you do not need to use.
Write your answers on the answer sheet:
A (17) _______ happened to me last
Friday. I’d gone into Chicago
to do some shopping. I wanted to find a book for my psych course. I had gotten
to the city early, so by early afternoon
I’d done everything that I wanted. Anyway (18)_________ ______
downtown Chicago
— all the noise, the traffic, strange people — and I’d made plans for that
evening. I just wanted to get in my car and drive home before (19) ______ , but I felt really tired. I decided that I had time for a cup of
coffee and a short rest. I bought the “Tribune” and went to a small cafeteria.
I got a cup of coffee and a package of doughnuts — I’m crazy about cakes. There
were plenty of empty tables, and I found one near the window. I sat down and
started the crossword puzzle in the paper.
A few minutes later a woman sat down across from me at
my table. That surprised me because there were several (20) ______ . There was
nothing strange about her except that she was very tall. I didn’t say anything;
I just kept doing the crossword. Suddenly she reached across the table, opened
my package of cakes, took one out, dunked it in her coffee, and began to eat
it. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I was too shocked to say anything. Anyway I
didn’t want to make a scene, so I decided (21) ____. I just took a cake myself and
went to my crossword.
When the woman took a second cake I didn’t make a
sound. I pretended to be very interested in the puzzle. A few minutes later I
casually put out my hand, took the last cake, and glanced at the woman. She was
staring at me furiously. I nervously started eating the cake and decided to
leave. I was ready to get up and go when the woman suddenly pushed back her
chair, stood up and hurried out of the cafeteria. I (22) ____ and decided to wait for two or three minutes before going
myself. I finished my coffee, folded my newspaper and stood up. And there, on
the table, where my paper had been, was my package of doughnuts.
A. to ignore
it E.
I'm not crazy about
B. to attract F.
felt relieved
C. the rush
hour G.
funny thing
D. strange accident
H. empty tables
Read the text below. Choose from (A – H) the one which
best fits each space (17 – 22). There are two choices you do not need to use.
Write your answers on the answer sheet:
Gold (Au)
is a metallic chemical element. Atomic number 79. Atomic weight 197.2.
civilization began, gold has been regarded as (17) ______. In many societies gold was seen as a magic substance
which could protect people against illness or evil spirits. It is the one
material that has always been accepted (18)
______ .
Humanity never seems to have enough gold, and the
search for it has driven people crazy. The need to search for gold has been
compared to a disease and is called “gold fever”. In the Middle Ages people (19) _____ tried to manufacture gold
from other metals. In spite of the constant search for gold, the amount which
has been produced since the beginning of time is only enough to make a solid
block of eighteen cubic meters, the size of a large house.
Because gold is
untarnishable, workable, almost indestructible, durable, reflective, and
conductive, it has (20) _____. About
10% of the annual production is used for industrial processes.
Because it (21) _____ and does not tarnish, gold is used
extensively in computers and electric consumer products.
Gold has always been prescribed (22) _____ , and it is used today to
treat cancer and arthritis. It is also used extensively in dentistry.
A. called “alchemists” E. conducts electricity well
B. in exchange for goods or services F.
for various ailments
C. a number of industrial uses G. a symbol of power and wealth
D. decorative purposes H. seen in museums
Read the text below. Choose from (A – H) the one which
best fits each space (17 – 22). There are two choices you do not need to use.
Write your answers on the answer sheet:
English is a
World Language
Today, when English is one of the major languages in the world, it (17) _____ of the imagination to
realize that this is a relatively recent thing — that in Shakespeare’s time,
for example, only a few million people spoke English, and (18) _____ was not thought to be very important by the other nations
of Europe , and was unknown to (19) ____.
English has become a world language because of
its establishment as (20) _____
outside England ,
in all the continents of the world. This (21)
_____ began in the seventeenth century, with the first settlements in North America . Above all, it is the great growth of
population in the United
States , assisted by massive immigration in
the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, that has given the English language its
present standing in the world.
People who speak English fall into one of three
groups: those who have learned it as their native language; those who have learned
it as a second language in a society
that is mainly bilingual; and those who are forced to use it for (22) _____ - administrative, professional or educational.
One person in seven of the world’s entire population belongs to one of these
three groups. Incredibly enough, 75% of the world’s mail and 60% of world’s
telephone calls are in English.
A. the
E. the rest of the world
B. requires an
effort F. a mother tongue
C. exporting of English G. foreign language
D. a practical purpose H.
many people.
Read the text below. Choose from (A – H) the one which
best fits each space (17 – 22). There are two choices you do not need to use.
Write your answers on the answer sheet:
In Britain
The British papers are (17) _____ into the “popular” and the
“quality” papers.
The “quality” papers are for more serious
(18) _____. These papers (19) _____ with reports of national and
international news, stories, with the world of politics, business, art and
sport. The biggest “quality” papers are: The Independent, The
Financial Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Times.
The “popular” papers (20) ______ “tabloids” of their small size. These newspapers with
many pictures, big headlines and short articles about the Royal Family, film
and pop stars, crimes, and sport. Popular press wants (21) _____ .The “popular” press are: The Daily Express, The Daily
Mirror, The Sun, The Daily Star.
Besides there are some papers which (22) ____ on Sundays. They have “colour
supplements” – colour magazines. Reading a Sunday paper, like having a big
Sunday lunch, is an important tradition in many British houses.
Sunday papers are: Sunday Times, Sunday Telegraph, News of the World, Sunday
Express, Sunday Mirror, Sunday People.
A. are called E.
like an important tradition
B. are bigger in size F.
to entertain its readers
C. are published G. readers
D. divided H.
are produced
Read the text below. Choose from (A – H) the one which
best fits each space (17 – 22). There are two choices you do not need to use.
Write your answers on the answer sheet:
Falling Asleep
There are
times when people (17) _____ that
they fall asleep almost (18) _____ .
For example, there is a lot of sleeping on the bus or train (19) ______ from work in the evenings.
A man will be reading the newspaper, and seconds later it appears as if he is
trying to eat it. Or he will asleep on the shoulder of the stranger (20) _____ . Another place where
unplanned naps go on is the lecture hall. In some classes, a student will start
snoring so loudly that the professor has to ask another student to shake the
sleeper awake. A more (21) _____
occurs when a student leans on one elbow and starts drifting off to sleep. The
weight of the head pushes the elbow off the desk, and this momentum carries the
rest of the body along. The student wakes up on the floor with no memory
of getting there. The worst time to fall
asleep is when driving a car. Police reports are full of accidents that occur
when people (22) _____ and go off the road. If the drivers are
lucky, they are not seriously hurt. When people are really tired, nothing will
stop them from falling asleep — no matter where they are.
A. on the way home E. are so tired
B. lose consciousness F. anywhere
C. sitting next to him G. funny case
D. abroad H. embarrassing situation
Read and complete the text below. For each of the
empty space (23 – 32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your
answers on the answer sheet:
Dangerous Places
There are some places where I never feel (23) _____ safe. For example, I never feel safe in bus stations.
The people in bus stations often look tired and (24) _____ as they keep one hand protectively on their luggage. The
security guards roaming around bus stations add to my feeling that a fight is
about to break out, that someone is going (25)
____, or that someone will (26) ____
me into the dark corner. I also feel (27)
____ in large, dark parking lots. When I leave my night class a little
late, or I am one of the few leaving the mall at 10 p.m., I (28) ____ the walk to my car. I am afraid that someone
may (29) ____ behind another car,
ready to mug me. And I fear that my car will not start, leaving me (30) ____ in the dark parking lot. The
place where I feel least safe is the basement laundry room in our apartment
building. No matter what time I do my laundry, I seem to be the only person
there. The windows (31) _____, and
the only exit is a steep flight of cement steps. While I’m folding the clothes,
I feel trapped. If anyone unfriendly came down those steps, I would have
nowhere to go. The pipes in the room make sudden gurgles, clanks, and hisses,
adding to my uneasiness. Places like bus stations, dark parking lots, and our laundry
room give me the (32) _____ .
A. perfectly
B. wholly
D. thoroughly
A. panicky
B. startled
C. assured
D. scared
A. to be mugged
B. to be
stolen from
C. to be
taken away
D. to be
set upon
A. impose
B. lean on
C. force
D. push
A. harmful
B. hurt
C. uncertain
D. unsafe
A. worry
B. drive
C. dread
D. shy
A. be waiting
B. be lurking
C. be hiding
D. be dreading
A. stuck
B. fixed
C. stumped
D. baffled
A. are fastened
B. are barred
C. are obstructed
D. are banned
B. shudders
C. vibrations
D. shivers
Read and complete the text below. For each of the
empty space (23 – 32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your
answers on the answer sheet:
A Final Word of
languages have words which are considered (23)
_____, holy, (24) _____ or
shocking, and which are only used in certain situations, or by certain people.
For instance, in some African tribes the names of dead chiefs must not be said;
in many cultures, words associated with religious (25) _____ are used only on religious occasions, or by priests.
Words of this kind can be called “taboo words”.
taboos are less strong than they used to be. However, students should be very
careful about using taboo words and swearwords. There are two reasons for this.
First of all, it is not easy to know the (26)
_____ strength of these expressions in a foreign language, or to know what
kind of people are shocked by them, and in what (27) _____. One may easily say something that is meant as a joke,
but which seriously (28) _____ the
people one is talking to. And secondly, swearing (29) _____ indicates membership of a group: one most often swears
in front of people one knows well, who belong to one’s own “social circle”, age
group, etc. (Children usually (30) _____
swearing in front of adults, so as not to (31)
_____ or shock them, and adults avoid swearing in front of children for
similar reasons.) So if a foreigner uses swearwords, he may give the impression
that he is (32) _____ membership of
a group that he does not belong to.
A. dangerous
B. serious
C. critical
D. unsafe
A. charming
B. marvellous
C. magic
A. credits
C. feelings
D. beliefs
A. definite
B. exact
C. careful
D. orderly
A. items
B. means
D. positions
A. upsets
B. confuses
C. disturbs
D. tips
B. generally
C. universally
D. regularly
A. escape
B. prevent
C. evade
D. avoid
A. provoke
B. trouble
C. annoy
D. anger
A. asking
B. claiming
C. demanding
D. insisting
Read and complete the text below. For each of the
empty space (23 – 32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your
answers on the answer sheet:
A Food Tester
In order to
become a food tester, there are certain requirements an applicant needs to meet
including (23) ____ the appropriate
education, applying (24) ____ a
suitable position, and understanding the functions of the job. Food testers (25) ____ by restaurants, food
companies, and farms to ensure product quality. These professionals are given
the tasks of sampling different foods and evaluating them on a variety of (26) ____ , such as appearance,
texture, and flavor. The information (27)
____ from the taste testers (28)
____ to create and improve food products for wholesale and retail sales.
For this reason, most companies (29)
____ applicants willing to take the time to provide serious, helpful
The minimal
education requirement to become a food tester (30) ____ a high school diploma or an acceptable equivalent. There
are more skills (31) _____ to become
a food tester than just tasting foods. Serious applicants should be aware that
the job they (32) ____ is vitally
important to the production and marketing of a company’s products.
A. having
B. having had
C. being have
D. to have
A. on
B. of
C. for
D. at
A. is commonly
B. employed
are commonly
C. were commonly
D. are commonly
A. criterion
B. criteria
C. criterias
D. criterions
A. gain
B. gains
C. gained
D. gaining
A. is used
B. are used
C. was used
D. were used
A. look at
B. look for
C. look up
D. look off
A. is
B. be
C. are
D. will be
A. require
B. requiring
C. required
D. will require
A. is performing
B. are
C. performed
D. will perform
Read and complete the text below. For each of the
empty space (23 – 32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your
answers on the answer sheet:
Cycle of Evil
There was once a king who was so cruel and unjust that his subjects
yearned for his death or dethronement.
(23) ____, one day he surprised them all by announcing that he had decided to (24) ____ a new leaf.
“No more
cruelty, no more injustice”, he promised, and he was as good as his word. He
became known as the “Gentle Monarch”.
after his transformation one of his ministers (25) ____ enough courage to ask him what had brought about his
change of heart, and the king answered:
“As I was
galloping through my forests I (26) ____
of a fox being chased by a hound. The fox escaped into his hole but not before
the hound had bitten into its leg and lamed it for life. (27) ____ I rode into a village and saw the same hound there. It
was barking at a man. Even as I watched, the man (28) ____ a huge stone and flung it at the dog, breaking its leg.
The man had not gone far when he was kicked by a horse. His knee was shattered
and he fell to the ground, (29) ____
for life. The horse began to run but it fell into a (30) ____ and broke its leg. Reflecting on all that had happened, I
thought: “Evil (31) _____ evil. If I
continue in my evil ways, I will surely be overtaken by evil. So I decided to
minister went away (32) _____ that
the time was ripe to overthrow the king and
seize the throne. Immersed in thought, he did not see
the steps in front of him and fell, breaking his neck.
A. otherwise
B. however
C. moreover
D. although
A. turn on
B. turn off
C. turn up
D. turn over
A. plucked up
B. plucked
C. plucked on
D. plucked in
A. caught up
B. caught sight
C. caught breath
D. caught hold
A. First
B. Finally
C. Later
D. Eventually
A. picked at
B. picked on
C. picked out
D. picked up
A. disabled
B. beaten
C. sick
D. unable
A. hall
B. whole
C. hole
D. hell
A. begets
B. bears
C. mothers
D. forths
A. persuaded
B. sure
C. convinced
D. ready
Read and complete the text below. For each of the
empty space (23 – 32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your
answers on the answer sheet:
Also known
as movies, film, or cinema, the motion picture is one of the most popular forms
of art and entertainment throughout the world. It is also a major source of
Every week, (33) ____ of people go to the movies. Many millions more watch
movies that (34) ____ on television
or are played back on a videotape player.
But movies
are (35) ____ than just
entertainment. The motion picture is a major art form, as are, for example,
painting and drama. Artists express (36)
____ by using paint and dramatists by using words. Filmmakers express their
ideas (37) ____ a motion-picture
camera. By using the camera in different ways, the filmmaker can express
different (38) _____ . A filmmaker
may film scenes for a picture in a (39)
____ , on a mountain, and in a large city.
We can
enjoy many forms of art and entertainment by ourselves. We can enjoy (40) ____ a story or looking at a
painting alone. But films are intended to be viewed in theatres. As a result,
we usually enjoy a motion picture the most when we watch it as part of a large
audience. Although movies are increasingly watched at home on television or
videocassette, most films have their strongest impact on viewers in theatres.
In addition
to their artistic and entertainment values, movies (41) ____ also widely ____ in education, especially as teaching
aids. Teachers use such films in classes on Geography, History, Mathematics,
and the Physical and Social sciences. Movies use slow motion, animation, and
other special techniques to demonstrate processes that could not be seen or
studied well. For example, a film can show the formation of crystals at fast
speed so a class can study this process.
stations use motion pictures to inform as well as to entertain their viewers.
TV stations often present documentaries. A documentary tries to present
information in a dramatic and entertaining way. Documentaries deal (42) ____ a variety of subjects, such
as environmental pollution and the history of presidential elections.
A. million
B. millions
C. million’s
D. millions’
A. are broadcast
B. were
C. are being
D. have been
A. more much
B. many
C. much more
D. more most
A. them
B. theirselves
C. themselfs
D. themselves
A. though
B. through
C. thought
D. throughout
A. point of view
B. points of
C. point of
D. points of
A. desert
B. dessert
C. deserts
D. desserts
A. read
B. to read
C. reading
D. reads
A. were used
B. are used
C. are being
D. have been
A. in
B. on
C. with
D. for
Read the text below. For each of the empty space (33 –
42) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the answer
The Legend of
the Rice
In the days
when the earth was young and all things were (33) ______ than they now are, when men and women were stronger and
of greater beauty, and the fruit of the trees was larger and sweeter than that
which we now eat, rice, the food of the people, was of (34) ______ grain. One grain was all a man could eat; and in (35) ______ early days, such, too, was
the merit of the people, they never (36)
_____ gathering the rice, for, when ripe, it fell from the stalks and
rolled into the villages, even into the granaries. And upon a year when the
rice was larger and (37) _____ than
ever before, a widow said to her daughter, “Our granaries are too small. We (38) _____ them down and build larger”.
When the old granaries (39) _____
down and the new one not yet ready for use, the rice was ripe in the fields.
Great haste (40) _____, but the rice
came rolling in where the work was going on, and the widow, angered, struck, a
grain and cried, “Could you not wait in the fields until we were ready? You (41) _____ us now when you are not
wanted.” The rice broke into thousands of pieces and said, “From this time
forth, we will wait in the fields until we are wanted”. And from that time the
rice (42) _____ of small grain, and
the people of the earth must gather it into the granary from the fields.
A. good
B. best
C. better
D. the better
A. largest
B. the larger
C. larger
D. the largest
A. these
B. those
C. that
D. this
A. had to toil
B. has to toil
C. has toiled
D. had toiled
A. plentifuller
B. more
C. most
D. the most
A. would pull
B. will be
C. will pull
D. would be
A. were pulled
B. pulled
C. had pulled
D. was pulled
A. made
B. was made
C. had been made
D. has been made
A. should not
B. may not
C. cannot bother
D. mustn’t
A. had been
B. were
C. was
D. has been
Read and complete the text below. For each of the
empty space (33 – 42) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your
answers on the answer sheet:
Old Mrs. Meadows
One day
Mrs. George met me in the street and told me that they (33) _____ a letter from their Uncle George, whom them all thought
dead. The letter (34) _____ them of
his coming. “Just fancy”, she said, “he (35)
_____ here for fifty years.” And old Mrs. Meadows sits there and smiles to
herself! All she (36) _____ is that he was very good-looking, but not so steady as
his brother Tom!
Mrs. George
invited me to (37) _____ and see the
old man. I accepted the invitation with joy, as I knew the story of Uncle
George Meadows and it amused me because it was like an old ballad. It was
touching to (38) _____ such a story
in real life. More than fifty years ago, when Mrs. Meadows was Emily Green, a
young charming girl, George and his younger brother Tom both courted her. When
Emily married Tom, George had gone to sea. For twenty years he sent them
presents now and then; then there was no (39)
_____ news of him. After her husband’s death Emily wrote George about it,
but never received an answer. And the previous day, (40) _____ their greatest surprise they received his letter, in
which he wrote that he (41) _____
with rheumatism and feeling he had not much longer to live, wanted to return to
the house in which he was born.
When I
came the wholy family was assembled in the kitchen. I was amused to see that.
Mrs. Meadows (42) _____ her best
silk dress. On the other side of the fireplace sat an old man with a wrinkled
yellow face.
A. has received
B. received
C. have received
D. had received
A. informs
B. informed
C. has informed
D. was informed
A. hadn’t been
B. haven’t
C. hasn’t been
D. was
A. says
B. said
C. has said
D. is saying
A. look at
B. look out
C. look in
D. look through
A. come about
B. come up
C. come down
D. come across
A. many
B. most
C. more
D. much
A. to
B. on
C. in
D. for
A. crippled
B. was crippled
C. had been
D. has been
A. wore
B. has worn
C. has been
D. was wearing
Read the text below. For each of the empty space (33 –
42) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the answer
Sport is
It is very important to find time to do sport. People who (33) _____ long hours need to do some
physical exercise, especially if they work in an office or spend a lot of time
sitting down.
Sport is
good for your heart. Of course, you must not do too much and you must follow
your doctor’s advice. When you exercise, your muscles need more oxygen and so
your heart (34) _____ faster. You (35) _____ exercise regularly and
slowly at first. Your muscles get better and your heart (36) _____ stronger.
Some people
are shy to do sport because they are fat. Your weight (37) _____ nothing ____ with physical exercise. There is always
something that you (38) _____. You
can have a medical check-up if you prefer but you (39) _____ if you don’t want to. Exercising helps you to slim. Try
swimming, for example.
It is a
great pleasure to rest but it is more important to do some exercising. Try to
find a gym near your work or near your home so you (40) ____ to travel very far. You mustn’t become lazy. That is bad
for your health. Sport is also a way of relaxing! It stops you thinking about
your problems and helps you to sleep better.
Sport is
one of the benefits of our life. I think that (41) _____ must do all possible to be healthy and keep fit.
Nowadays we
have (42) _____ possibilities to go
in for sports.
A. worked
B. work
C. is working
D. have been
A. has been
B. had been
C. has to beat
D. has beating
A. may
B. must
C. have to
D. can
A. is getting
B. was getting
C. got
D. gets
A. has … to do
B. have … to do
C. has been … to
D. have been …
to do
A. could do
B. can do
C. must do
D. may do
A. don’t need
B. doesn’t need
C. needn’t
D. will need
A. haven’t
B. don’t have
C. don’t has
D. will have
A. everyone
B. nobody
C. anybody
D. every
A. every
B. whole
C. all
D. no
Read the text below. For each of the empty space (33 –
42) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the answer
Life is a Gift
There was a
blind girl who hated (33) ______
just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her (34) _____ boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if
she (35) _____ only _____
the world, she (36) _____ her
boyfriend. One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could
see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “Now that you
can see the world, (37) _____ you _____ me?”
The girl (38) _____ when she saw
that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend
walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her (39) _____ . “Just take
care of my eyes, dear”. This is how human brain changes when the status
Only (40) _____ remember what life was
before, and who’s always been there even in the most painful situations.
Life is a
gift. Today before you (41) _____ of
saying an unkind word – think of someone who can’t speak. Before you (42) _____ about the taste of your food
– think of someone who has nothing to eat.
A. her
B. hers
C. herself
D. she
A. loved
B. loving
C. lovely
D. love
A. could … see
B. can …
C. be able … to
D. could seen
A. would marry
B. will marry
C. marry
D. married
A. will … to
B. would …
C. will … have
D. will … marry
A. shocked
B. was shocked
C. Made
D. To make
A. said
B. says
C. saying
D. having said
A. little
B. a little
C. fewer
D. few
A. will think
B. think
C. would think
D. thought
B. would
C. complain
D. will complain
Read the text below. For each of the empty space (33 –
42) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the answer
A Funny Story
For his expedition to the South Pole, Captain Robert Scott needed (33) ______ money. He was not a rich
man (34) ______, so he had to find
people who could give him the money.
First Scott
(35) _____ to David Lloyd George,
who was at that time an important member of the British Government. The Captain
thought that he could get money from the Government. Lloyd George was not a
kind man and many people in England
(36) _____ him.
In his
answer Lloyd George said that the Government could give him only a small part
of the money that he needed for the expedition. Then he (37) _____ Captain Scott the address of a very rich man who was interested (38) _____ Arctic expeditions, and
advised him to ask that man to help him with money.
Scott went
to that rich man and explained what he wanted. “(39) _____ sent you here to me?” the rich man asked.
When Scott
said that it was Lloyd George, the rich man (40) _____ . Then he said: “I can give you fifty thousand pounds,
if Lloyd George goes (41) ______ your expedition to the
South Pole. And if you leave him there, I (42)
_____ you another fifty thousand pounds”.
A. more
B. much
C. all
D. many
A. themselves
B. herself
C. himself
D. theirself
A. speaks
B. had
C. has spoken
D. spoke
A. did not like
B. liked
C. likes
D. like
A. give
B. gave
C. has given
D. had given
A. on
B. for
C. in
D. at
A. Whom
B. Whose
C. Who
D. Why
A. laughs
B. laughed
C. had laughed
D. laugh
A. at
B. with
C. on
D. to
A. give
B. gave
C. has given
D. shall give
You are going to take part in the international conference. Write a report
about the protection of nature (at least 100 words) in your country: express
the organizing committee your gratitude for the invitation; inform about the
problems of air, land and water pollution in Ukraine ;
inform about the measures to ensure pure air, oceans and seas done by the
United Nations and Great
Britain in particular.
2. You
were invited to the conference on the healthy way of life. Write the notes of
your speech (at least 100 words) at this conference: say about the health care
system in Ukraine ;
what the concept “healthy way of life” means; the advantages of the healthy way
of life.
3. Once you have heard the conversation
concerning the problem of upbringing children by parents in the family. Write
an essay (at least 100 words) and say: what causes the conflicts within a
family; describe the problems of teenagers; who can help children to find the
right way out in case of need.
You are invited to take part in the international conference about the
influence of the rock music on the lifestyle of the young people. Write the
notes of your speech at the conference (at least 100 words) and: explain the
world-wide complaints about the effect of the rock music on the young people;
describe the results of the volume of sound at rock concerts; explain the great
popularity of the rock music among young people.
5. We are becoming increasingly dependent on
computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to
fly planes. What will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on
computers good or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? Use specific
details and examples in your answer (at least 100 words).
PART I (READING) TASK 1 TEXT 1 Read the text below. Match choices (A – H) to (1 – 5). There three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet: Music (1) _______________ . Popular music is music created as a commercial product. It is usually distinguished from classical music and from folk music. Classical music is written chiefly for concerts, operas, and ballets. Folk music is the traditional music of a particular group or community of people, such as an occupational, ethnic, or regional group. Folk music is usually learned by listening to another person rather than by reading music. (2) _______________ . There are many different styles of popular music in the United States, including bluegrass, blues, country, gospel, jazz, musical comedy, rap, reggae, and rock. In some cases, the categories of popular, folk, and classical music overlap. For example, jazz and country music evolved out of folk traditions. Some styles, such as blues and bluegrass, exist both as popular music and as folk music. (3) _______________ . Such classical composers as Leonard Bernstein and Louis Moreau Gottschalk have written pieces in the style of popular music. Although much popular music expresses sentiments of love, other popular songs serve as a vehicle for social commentary. Popular music is frequently thought to have meaning only for the time in which it was created. However, many popular songs have endured for decades. (4) ________________. Folk songs held us to go through centuries of bondage, caught us to struggle, brought us our forgotten history and told us about the glorious heroes of our land. Many songs are connected with folk customs and traditions. No true Ukrainian can live without folk songs. Many composers use folk melodies in their creative works: for example, S. Hulak-Artemovsky in “Zaporozhets za Dunajem”, M. Lysenko in “Taras Bulba” and “A Christian Night”. The famous Ukrainian writer I. Kotlyarevsky used folk songs in his play “Natalka Poltavka”. (5) _________________ . Many songs became folk because common people love to sing them. Such Ukrainian composers as S. Ludkevych, D. Bortnyansky, K. Stetsenko and M. Leontovych used many folk melodies while composing the music words for choir. We must admit that folk music is the integral part in our everyday life. A. Folk songs told us about the glorious heroes of our land. B. The classical composers never wrote their music in the style of popular music. C. Music that is created as a commercial product. D. Many songs are connected with folk customs and traditions. E. Popular music expresses sentiments of love and serves as a vehicle for social commentary. F. The distinctive features of classical music and folk music. G. Classical music is written for a particular group or community of people. H. Famous styles of popular music in the USA. TEXT 2 Read the text below. Match choices (A – H) to (1 – 5). There three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet: Basic Characteristics of English (1) _____________ . Old English, like modern German, French, Russian and Greek, had many inflections to show singular and plural, tense, person, etc., but over the centuries words have been simplified. Verbs now have very few inflections, and adjectives do not change according to the noun. (2) _____________ . As a result of the loss of inflections, English has become, over the past five centuries, a very flexible lan¬guage. Without inflections, the same word can operate as many different parts of speech. Many nouns and verbs have the same form, for example swim, drink, kiss, look, and smile. We can talk about water to drink and to water flowers; time to go and to time a race; a paper to read and to paper a bedroom. Adjectives can be used as verbs. We warm our hands in front of a fire; if clothes are dirtied, they need to be cleaned and dried. Prepositions too are flexible. A sixty-year old man is nearing retirement; we can talk about a round of golf, cards, or drinks. (3) _____________ . This involves the free admissions of words from other languages and the easy creation of compounds and de¬rivatives. Most world languages have contributed some words to English at some time, and the process is now being reversed. Purists of the French, Russian and Japanese languages are resisting the arrival of English in their vocabulary. (4) _____________ . Geographically, English is the most widespread language on the Earth, second only to Mandarin Chinese the number of people who speak it. It is the language of business, technology, sport, and aviation. This will no doubt continue, although the proposition that all other languages will die out is absurd. (5) ______________. Modern English is an immensely varied language having absorbed material from many other tongues. It is spoken by more than 300 million native speakers, and between 400 and 800 million foreign users. It is the official language of air transport and shipping; the leading language of science, technology, computers and commerce; and a major medium of education, publishing and international communication. For this reason the scholars frequently refer to its latest phase as World English. A. The future of English. B. World English. C. A very flexible language. D. Mixed language heritage. E. Openness of English vocabulary for other languages. F. Current usage of Standard English. G. The variations of English. H. The competition of English with other languages. TEXT 3 Read the text below. Match choices (A – H) to (1 – 5). There three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet: Divided by a Common Language (1) __________ . English is the mother tongue of approximately 450 million people today. But because of its importance as a language of business, science and popular culture, it is spoken and/or understood by roughly one-third of the 5,5 billion people in the world. (2) _________ . Because of this, there are many varieties of English (American, British, Canadian, Australian, Jamaican, Indian etc.), as well as regional dialects. But despite the differences, all English speakers recognize that they are speaking the same basic language. Or do they? (3) __________ . When the English colonists arrived in North America, they found new people and languages. As they lived, fought, and traded with these people, many words, phrases, and usages were adopted into English. As early as 1720, people began to notice that a new, distinct English was forming. (4) __________ . The industrial revolution in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries increased the differences between American and British English. Because technology developed separately in both countries, different words were used to describe the same object. As the twentieth century moved on, opportunities for communication between the two nations grew more frequent. World War II brought millions of American troops to Great Britain. Although there was some tension the end result was a closer relationship and language. (5) ____________ . But the real driving force for coming together was popular culture. “Talking pictures” from the late 1920s, television, and rock music narrowed the gap by introducing idioms, words, and usages. This trend is accelerating today, with cheaper and quicker phone lines which allow data and video transmission throughout the world, and the spread of Hollywood movies and American TV worldwide. A. Coming together. B. English as a world language. C. Speaking the same language. D. A new land, a new language. E. Growing apart. F. Language trend. G. The mother tongue of many countries outside England. H. A few millions of British troops in the USA. TEXT 4 Read the text below. Match choices (A – H) to (1 – 5). There three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet: Poor Little Pet (1) _____________ . This happened in England shortly after World War II. Mrs. Reed intended to give a party. She wanted to invite her friends for dinner and a game of bridge. It was easy enough to ask people to come, but far more difficult to provide a meal for them. She was thinking about it when her maid-servant announced that there was a man at the back door offering to sell mushrooms. (2) ____________ . The lady, accompanied by the little terrier, came down to the kitchen and found there a rather disreputable-looking stranger with a basket over his arm. The lady knew nothing about mushrooms and she asked the man if they were not poisonous. The man reassured her that they were good. The lady paid the money at once, ordering her servant to empty the basket and return it to its owner. While the servant was emptying the basket she dropped a mushroom, and the terrier immediately gobbled it. Seeing that, the stranger said that the dog knew what was good. Pocketing the money, he laughed a malicious laugh and left the kitchen. (3) ____________ . The guests arrived at the appointed hour and were served a dish of mushrooms, which they liked very much. While the usual clattering of forks and knives was in progress, the hostess noticed that the servant’s eyes were red with tears. Calling her aside, Mrs. Reed asked her what was the cause of her tears. The girl said that she did not want to upset, the lady, but she was crying because the dog had died. (4) ____________ . The terrible truth flashed through the lady’s brain. She saw her duty clearly and addressing the guests she said that the mushrooms she had offered them were poisonous. She added that if they wished to save their lives they should act quickly. There was a general outburst of emotions. Some of the gentlemen swore, some of the ladies cried. Then one man suggested going to the nearest hospital to have the contents of their stomachs pumped out. All rushed for their dear lives. The staff of the hospital were surprised to see a group of patients in evening dress. Naturally no one thought of playing cards after that occurrence. (5) ________________ . On arriving home, the lady asked where the terrier's body was. “Oh,” said the servant, still sobbing, “the gardener has buried it in the garden, for it was so badly smashed, and we didn't even have enough time to put down the number of the car that so cruelly ran over the poor little pet.” A. The Terrible News B. A Stranger with Mushrooms C. The Happy Guests D. Mrs. Reed's Intentions to Give a Party E. The Real Reason of the Dog's Death F. England After World War II G. The Lady in the Kitchen H. The Guests at Dinner TEXT 5 Read the text below. Match choices (A – H) to (1 – 5). There three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet: Choosing a Career (1) ___________ . There are as many kinds of careers as there are people. They vary greatly in the type of work involved and in the ways they influence a person’s life. The kind of career you have can affect your life in many ways. For example, it can determine where you live and the friends you make. It can reflect how much education you have and can determine the amount of money you earn. Your career can also affect the way you feel about yourself and the way other people act toward you. (2) __________ . By making wise decisions concerning your career, you can help yourself build the life you want. To make wise career decisions and plans, you need as much information as possible. The more you know about yourself and career opportunities, the better you will be able to choose a satisfying career. (3) ___________ . Learning about oneself. People differ in what they want from a career. Many people desire a high income. Some hope for fame. Others want adventure. Still others want to serve people and make the world a better place. Before you begin to explore career fields, you should determine: (1) your values; (2) your interests; and (3) your aptitudes (abilities). Most people are happiest in jobs that fit their values, interests, and aptitudes. (4) ___________ . Each person has many values, which vary in strength. For example, money is the strongest value for some people – that is, wealth is more important to them than anything else. As a result, they focus their thoughts, behavior, and emotions on the goal of earning a high income. Other values include devotion to religion, taking risks, spending time with family, and helping others. People should understand their values prior as making a career decision. (5) ___________ . You can develop an understanding of your values by asking yourself what is most important to you and by examining your beliefs. For example, is it important to you to work as a member of a team? Or would you rather be in charge or work alone? If working alone or being in charge is important to you, independence is probably one of your primary values. A. The pieces of advice how to develop an understanding of values of life. B. The necessity of understanding moral values prior to making a career decision. C. Three reasons that make most people happiest in jobs. D. Money is the strongest value in life. E. Wise decisions to build the life you want. F. The career opportunities are the best advantage of life. G. How the kind of career can affect a person’s life. H. Primary and secondary values of life. PART II (READING) TASK 2 TEXT 1 Read the text below. For assignments (6 – 11) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the answer sheet: A Message to the Stars Our planet Earth is one of nine planets revolving around the Sun, a fairly small and ordinary star, which lies in the outer areas of the Milky Way galaxy. There are about 250 billion stars in our galaxy and billions of galaxies in the universe. People have always rendered about the possibility of intelligent life forms on other planets. In recent years this has become serious scientific speculation. Some scientists believe that there must be large numbers of stars with planets which could support living intelligent beings. Perhaps we will never know. The nearest star is 4,3 light years away. A light year is the distance covered by light travelling at about 186,000 miles a second in one year. It would take the fastest Earth spacecraft about 40,000 years to reach the nearest star. For a number of years radio telescopes have been trying to pick up signals from outer space, so far without success. There are, however, millions of possible radio frequencies, and there is no reason why a completely alien civilization should not use a different type of communication, such as X-rays or even a type of wave we have not yet discovered. Suppose contacts were made with beings 300 light years away. By the time we had sent our reply and received their response, the earth would be 600 years older. It would be an interesting, but rather slow-moving conversation! 6. The nearest star is … . A. 4.3 light years away B. 1,5 light years away C. 2 light years away D. 10 light years away 7. There are about … in our galaxy. A. 100 billion stars B. 200 billion stars C. 250 billion stars D. 10 billion stars 8. A light year is the distance covered by light travelling at about … in one year. A. 186,000 miles a second B. 100,000 miles a second C. 20,000 miles a second D. 10,000 miles a second 9. Suppose contacts were made with beings … . A. 100 light years away B. 200 light years away C. 10 light years away D. 300 light years away 10. It would take the fastest spacecraft about … to reach the nearest star. A. 10,000 years B. 40,000 years C. 200,000 years D. 15,000 years 11. By the time we had sent our reply and received their response, the Earth would be … . A. 600 years younger B. 400 years older C. 600 years older D. 100 years older TEXT 2 Read the text below. For assignments (6 – 11) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the answer sheet: Money Money is used for buying or selling goods, for measuring value and for storing wealth. Almost every society now has a money economy based on coins and paper bills of one kind or another. However, this has not always been true. In primitive societies a system of barter was used. Barter was a system of direct exchange of goods. Somebody could exchange a sheep, for example, for anything in the marketplace that they considered to be of equal value. Barter, however, was a very unsatisfactory system, because people’s precise needs seldom coincided. People needed more practical system of exchange, and various money systems developed based on goods which the members of a society recognized as having value. Cattle, grain, teeth, shells, feathers, skulls, salt, elephant tusks, and tobacco have all been used. Precious metals gradually took over because, when made into coins, they were portable, durable, recognizable, and divisible into larger and smaller units of value. A coin is a piece of metal, usually disc-shaped which bears lettering, designs or numbers showing its value. Until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, coins were given monetary worth based on the exact amount of metal contained in them, but most modern coins are based on face value — the value that governments choose to give them, irrespective of the actual metal content. Most governments now issue paper money in the form of bills, which are really “promises to pay”. Paper money is obviously easier to handle and much more convenient in the modern world. Checks and credit cards are being used increasingly, and it is possible to imagine a world where “money” in the form of coins and paper currency will no longer be used. 6. What is modern money economy based on? A. coins and paper bills B. exchange of goods C. barter deals D. precious metals 7. What system was used in primitive societies? A. exchange of cattle for gold B. barter systems C. exchange of salt, gold and silver D. system of coins 8. Why was barter a very unsatisfactory system of exchange? A. because the society recognized shells as having some value B. it was not easy to exchange a sheep for a cow C. cattle couldn’t be divided into smaller units of value D. because people’s needs seldom coincided 9. How was monetary worth given to coins? A. by the amount of salt that could be bought by a coin B. by their shape C. by the amount of metal contained in them D. by the picture on the coin 10. In what form do most governments issue paper money now? A. in the form of dollars B. in the form of bills C. in the form of gryvnyas D. in the form of pounds 11. What is the system of direct exchange of goods called? A. market B. selling C. barter D. buying TEXT 3 Read the text below. For assignments (6 – 11) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the answer sheet: Americans: Myths, Stereotypes and Paradoxes And what about the American model of family? Most Americans live in the cottages with a lawn, two cars in the garage, two television sets and a few telephones. A typical family consists of parents and two children (although nowadays there are more and more one-parent families in the U.S.). When the children become independent (very early), they move out and live on their own. Hence, the family bonds in America are not very strong. It is also not customary to live with grandparents. Americans protect in this way their privacy and independence. Although Americans care a lot about not being disturbed, they are open and friendly. They are always ready to start a conversation in the street, in a store or subway. However, this is usually a meaningless “small talk” which does not tell you anything about the person you are talking to. Still, Americans are very straightforward and always speak their minds. So if you need help or have a problem, you have to tell them directly. Otherwise, they will not react so as not to interfere with your private life. It is often said that Americans are a nation without roots. Indeed, they do not seem to be attached either to the house in which they live or the place of their work. Everything that counts in their lives is today: today’s home, today's job, today's friends…. Nothing is regarded as constant. Americans are more mobile than any other nation in the world. They are always on the move, restlessly looking for better prospects and a better life. In Europe there are people who have lived in the same house and been in the same job for 20, 30, 40 years and who would hate to pull up their roots and change to something new. That’s not the American way of life. They love change, they call it “the spirit of adventure’. So they still like to “move away”, to change homes and jobs. Americans are often surprised when others question their achievements, values or even their way of life. They are convinced that they are a unique nation which invented almost everything from the telephone to the artificial heart, and created the best of all possible worlds. True or not, they are proud of themselves and their country. 6. A typical American family consists of ... . A. parents and many children B. parents, 2 children C. parents, 2 or more children D. parents, 3 children and grandparents 7. When the children become adults they ... . A. move out and live in another city B. move out and get married at once C. move out and enjoy the life D. move out and live on their own 8. The Americans are … . A. very sociable B. open and friendly C. little talkative D. not straightforward 9. America is … . A. a very mobile nation B. a very constant nation C. an old nation with deep roots D. a modern nation with short roots 10. The Americans way of life is … . A. not to change anything new B. to change homes C. to change jobs D. to change jobs and homes 11. The Americans are convinced that … . A. they are different in their way of life B. they live like the Europeans C. they are a unique nation D. they have nothing to be proud of TEXT 4 Read the text below. For assignments (6 – 11) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the answer sheet: Family Worries It was a three-block walk from the bus to the nursery school where Juanita had left her little daughter this morning on her way to work. Juanita hurried, knowing she was late. The little girl ran toward her as she entered the small playroom in the basement of a private house. Though the house, like others in the area, was old and in disrepair, the school rooms were clean and cheerful — the reason Juanita had chosen the school in preference to others, though the cost was higher and it was hard for her to pay. It was obvious from the stillness around that the other children were all gone. Miss Ferroe, who owned and ran the school, came in and looked pointedly at her watch. “Mrs Nunez, as a special favour I agreed that Estella could stay after the others, but this is too late.... Other parents observe the school’s closing time.” “It won’t happen again, I promise,” said Juanita. “Very well. But since you are here, Mrs. Nunez, may I re¬mind you that last month’s bill for Estella had not been paid.” “I really am sorry, Miss Ferroe. It will be paid on Friday. I’ll have my paycheck then.” The school fees, Juanita decided, would have to come out of her pay this week, as she had said, and somehow she must manage until the payday after that. She wasn’t sure how. Her wage as a teller at the bank was $83. Out of that there was food to buy for the two of them, Estella’s school fees, plus rent of the tiny flat they lived in; also the finance company would demand a payment since she had missed the last. Before Carlos, her husband, left her, simply walking out and disappearing a year ago, Juanita had been naive enough to sign finance papers together with her husband. He had bought suits, a used car, a colour TV on credit, all of which he took with him. Juanita, however, was still paying and the installments seemed to stretch on into a limitless future. 6. Juanita's daughter studied in ... . A. infant school C. secondary school B. nursery school D. high school 7. The building of school was ... . A. old and in disrepair C. clean and cheerful B. modern D. renovated 8. The small playroom of the nursery school was in (on) ... of a private house. A. the attic B. the first floor C. the second floor D. the basement 9. Juanita worked at ... . A. the school B. the bank C. the hospital D. the market 10. Juanita's wage was .... A. $83 B. $73 C. $103 D. S303 : 11. Her husband … . A. divorced her a year ago B. disserted her a month ago C. disappeared a year ago D. died a year ago TEXT 5 Read the text below. For assignments (6 – 11) choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D). Write your answers on the answer sheet: Wanted: a Goldfish A professor of physiology, whose name was Floyd, was out visiting one winter night, and the people at the house showed him a goldfish that had died because the water that it was in had got frozen. The professor looked at the fish and said, “Let me take it home and I think that tomorrow I can treat it in the laboratory and revive it”. So when he started for home they wrapped the goldfish in a bit of paper and professor Floyd put it in his overcoat pocket. It was a cold night, very late and with lots of deep snow along the street. On the way home Floyd put his hand into his coat pocket and accidentally flipped out the goldfish and it fell into the snow. Floyd knelt down to pick it up, but he couldn't find it and stayed there on his knees looking for it. Just then a policeman came along. He stopped and said, “What are you doing there?” Professors hate to be questioned. Floyd just looked over his shoulder and said, “I am trying to find a goldfish”. The policeman then understood that he was dealing with a madman, and he said, “Now you just come along with me and I'll take you to a place where we've a whole lot of goldfish — all you want.” “All right,” Floyd said, “only just help me to get this one first.” To please him the policeman knelt down and began looking in the snow and out came a goldfish! He was very much surprised. “Great heavens!’ he said. “Are there any more?” “Maybe a whole lot,” Floyd said. As the professor started off for home again, the policeman was still on his knees looking for goldfish. 6. A professor of ... was out visiting one winter night. A. psychology B. physiology C. psychiatry D. biology 7. The goldfish had died because ... . A. it didn't have enough food to eat B. there was not enough air C. there was no water in the bottle D. the water that it was in had got frozen 8. The people at the house showed the professor ... . A. a goldfish B. an old gold coin C. a crab D. a crawfish 9. The professor said: ... . A. “How very interesting!” B. “I'm sorry it has got frozen” C. “Let me take it home” D. “I don't like fish” 10. Professor put the goldfish in ... . A. a box B. in his pocket C. in a bag D. in his wallet 11. It was a cold night with lots of ... along the street. A. people B. cars C. deep snow D. mud PART III (READING) TASK 3 TEXT 1 Read the text below. Match choices (A – H) to (12 – 16). There are three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet: Mr. Sellyer is Selling Books One day I went to a bookshop to look through new books. Mr. Sellyer showed me to the back of the shop where I could find some interesting books. While I was looking through the books, I could watch Mr.Sellyer at work and see some of his methods. (12) ________. Mr. Sellyer was showing a book to her. “You are quite sure it’s the latest?” the lady was saying to Mr. Sellyer. “Oh, yes, Mrs.Rassel,” answered the manager. (13) “_________ . It’s having a wonderful sale”. I looked at the title, the name of the book was “Golden Dreams”. Another lady entered the bookshop. She was in deep mourning and looked like a widow. She asked the manager to show her some new books, something new in fiction. “Yes, Madam, here’s a charming thing “Golden Dreams”. The critics say that it’s one of the sweetest things, written by this author”. “Is it a good book?’ asked the lady. “A charming one”, said the manager. (14) “__________ . My wife was reading it aloud only last night. She was crying all the time while she was reading it.” The lady bought “Golden Dreams” and left the shop. “Have you any good light reading for vacation time?” asked the next lady. “Yes”, said Mr. Sellyer. (15) “__________ . My wife was reading it aloud only yesterday. She was laughing all the time while she was reading it.” The lady paid for the book and went out. (16) _____________ . To one lady the manager sold “Golden Dreams” as the reading for a holiday, to another as the book to read after the holiday, another bought it to read on a rainy day and the fourth as the right book for a fine day. When I was leaving the bookshop, I went up to the manager and asked him, “Do you like the book yourself?” “Dear me!” said the manager. “I’ve no idea of the book. I’ve no time to read every book. I’m selling.” “And did your wife really like the book?” “I am not married, Sir”, answered the manager smiling. A. So every customer went away with “Golden Dreams”. B. This is Mr. Slush’s latest book. C. One day I went to a library. D. “Golden Dreams” is the most humorous book of the season. E. “Golden Dreams” is a book about monsters. F. A fashionably dressed woman was standing at the corner. G. Mr. Sellyer was reading a book. H. It’s a love story – very simple and sweet and wonderfully charming. TEXT 2 Read the text below. Match choices (A – H) to (12 – 16). There are three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet: The Shoplifter (12) __________ . He had been in prison several times. Last time he was sentenced to ten months in prison for shoplifting when he tried to steal a silver necklace for his girl-friend Susie. (13) __________ . First he had a good meal in a restaurant, then went to a cinema. He enjoyed being free again. He took a long walk in town looking at the windows. He had a few dollars and wanted to buy a present for his girl-friend Susie. He saw a pretty silk dressing gown in one window but he didn’t like the colour, he saw a green and white striped cotton blouse in another shop window but he didn’t like the pattern. (14) __________ . But it was too expensive. Then he saw a nice leather belt and first he thought that Susie would also like it. He was just going to buy it but he changed his mind and thought it would make a poor present. (15) _________ . There he saw a nice gold bracelet on the counter. He always wanted a present like that. He had a quick look around and saw nobody was watching him. The assistant was showing diamond engagement ring to a customer. The next minute the gold bracelet was in Joe’s pocket and he started for the door. (16) _________ . “Young man”, said the owner of the shop, “I saw you stole a bracelet. I’ll have to call the police.” Joe went pale. “Oh, no. Don’t do that. I’ll pay for the bracelet. Yes, I’ll pay for it.” The owner of the shop then took a look at the gold bracelet and said, “All right. It’ll be $600.” “Well,” said Joe. “Couldn’t you show me anything cheaper? I really don’t want to spend that much.” A. Joe Brian was a thief. B. Joe Brian was in prison. C. Then he went into a jeweller’s shop. D. He looked at a fur cap in another shop. E. He had many friends. F. One day he left prison. G. At that moment, he felt a hand on his shoulder. H. He went into a supermarket. TEXT 3 Read the text below. Match choices (A – H) to (12 – 16). There three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet: Black Beauty I don’t remember everything about the time I was very small. (12) __________ . There were a few trees in it, and on hot days my mother stood under a tree and I drank her milk. That was before I grew bigger and began to eat the grass. (13) __________ . As we grew bigger, we played and ran round the field. We jumped about, or we went down on our backs on the grass and kicked our legs happily in the air. We were glad to be alive. When I stopped taking her milk, my mother went to work every day. She came back in the evening, and I told her all about my day. “I'm glad you are happy,” she said. “Play as much as you can.” (14) ___________ . They are all going to be farm horses; they’re good horses, but not like us. Your father is well known in this part of the country, and your grandfather — my father — was Lord Westland’s best horse. When you’re a little older, you’ll learn to take people on your back or to take them from place to place in their carriages.” I asked, “Is that what your work is, Mother? Is that what you do for Farmer Grey?” “Yes,that’s what I do. Farmer Grey sometimes rides me and sometimes drives me as his carriage horse. Here he is now.” (15) ____________ . He was a good, kind man, and he liked my mother very much. “Well, my dear Duchess”, he said to her, “here’s something for you.” He gave her something nice to eat. “And how is your little son?” He patted me and gave me some bread, which was very nice. We couldn’t answer him, but my mother showed him that she loved him. He patted her and went away. “He’s very kind,” my mother said, “and you must learn to please him. (16) _____________ . Never bite or kick. Then he’ll always be nice to you”. A. Always do your work gladly. B. I remember a big farm horse. C. My mother cooked meals every day. D. Farmer Grey came into the field. E. But you must remember: you are not like these other young horses. F. I remember a big field of green grass. G. My mother told me fairy-tales. H. There were some other young horses in the field. TEXT 4 Read the text below. Match choices (A – H) to (12 – 16). There three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet: Jazz (12) __________ . Jazz has many homes. Kansas City, Chicago, New York, San Francisco – each claims its own distinctive style of this musical form. But jazz has only one birthplace. That, indisputably, is New Orleans. (13) ___________ . Some musical scholars trace its origins back to slave gatherings in the city’s Congo Square, where rhythmic dances were a local attraction before the Civil War. Others find its roots in Storyville, the former red-light district, where black musicians performed before a mainly white clientele. There were the “spasm’ bands on the city streets, borrowing a musical phrase from the blues, another from the church, another from some old French or Spanish tune that was familiar to anyone from New Orleans. (14) ___________ . Sometime around 1900 this new music started rolling out of the city’s black neighbourhoods. Legendary figures such as Bunk Johnson and Jelly Roll Morton and King Oliver were playing it, in the nightclubs and on the riverboats. Then in 1917 two local groups – The New Orleans Rhythm Kings and the Original Dixieland Jazz Band – signed recording contracts and the music suddenly spilled out to the rest of the world. (15) ____________ . Calling for a high degree of improvisational skill within a structured framework, jazz demanded discipline and creativity, genius in a mould. It changed from Dixie to swing to bop and swept the world as America’s most distinct sound. But it almost died in the city that invented it. (16) _____________ . By the late 1950s, traditional jazz musicians could not get work here and the music they had played in their youth was seldom heard. A. Rhythmical dances attracted much interest. B. Borrowing a musical phrase from different styles of music. C. Jazz became an America’s most distinct sound. D. Many birthplaces of Jazz. E. At the end of the second half of the 20th century jazz music was seldom heard. F. One birthplace of Jazz. G. Jazz music rapidly spread all over the world. H. Jazz died in Storyville. TEXT 5 Read the text below. Match choices (A – H) to (12 – 16). There three choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet: Two Gentlemen of Verona (12) _____________ . We were driving in a car from Switzerland toward the beautiful old Italian city of Verona. Just outside the city we met two boys, who were selling strawberries. My friend spoke to the boys and found out that they were brothers. Nicolo, was 13, Jacopo, the smaller was almost 12. We bought their strawberries and continued our way to Verona. (13) _____________ . The next morning we saw the two boys again near our hotel in Verona. They were shining the shoes of the men who passed by. They were very busy, but they said “hello” to us in a friendly way. “I thought you sold strawberries,” I said. “We do many things, sir,” Nicolo answered seriously. In the week which followed we saw Nicolo and Jacopo several times. These two brothers worked all day under the hot sun, shining shoes, selling fruit and newspapers. They always looked very busy. (14) ______________ . One morning while Nicolo was shining my shoes I said: “You and Jacopo work very hard. Tell me, how do you spend your money?” “We have plans, sir”, the boys said. As we were soon leaving Verona we wanted to do something pleasant for the boys who were friendly to us. “Well,” I said, “can we do anything for you before we go?” ‘ “Every Sunday we go to a village not far from Verona,” Nicolo began. “We usually go by bus; but tomorrow, sir, may be you will take us in your car.” (15) ______________ . On Sunday I took the boys to the village. I stopped my car where the boys asked. It was a lovely big house. The boys promised not to be long and entered the building. I waited a few minutes and then I followed the boys. “Excuse me”, I said to a nurse who came to the door. “I just brought two small boys here”. “Ah, yes”, she said with a smile. (16) ______________ . “Nicolo and Jacopo came to visit their sister. They are alone in the world, except for their sister. Their mother and father died before the war. When the fascists came to Verona the boys began to carry secret messages in their shoes to the mountains. When the war ended they found their sister sick with tuberculosis. They brought her to our hospital. And every week the boys come to pay for their sister.” I thanked the nurse and waited outside. Soon the boys came back to the car. They sat beside me, looking serious and proud, these two gentlemen of Verona. A. The Brothers’ Parents E. Meeting Nicolo and Jacopo B. The Brothers” Job F. Old Italian City of Verona C. A Trip to the Village G. Our Life in a Hotel D. A visit to the Sister H. The Boys’ Plans PART IV (READING) TASK 4 TEXT 1 Read the text below. Choose from (A – H) the one which best fits each space (17 – 22). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet: Unusual Situation A (17) _______ happened to me last Friday. I’d gone into Chicago to do some shopping. I wanted to find a book for my psych course. I had gotten to the city early, so by early afternoon I’d done everything that I wanted. Anyway (18) ______ downtown Chicago — all the noise, the traffic, strange people — and I’d made plans for that evening. I just wanted to get in my car and drive home before (19) ______ , but I felt really tired. I decided that I had time for a cup of coffee and a short rest. I bought the “Tribune” and went to a small cafeteria. I got a cup of coffee and a package of doughnuts — I’m crazy about cakes. There were plenty of empty tables, and I found one near the window. I sat down and started the crossword puzzle in the paper. A few minutes later a woman sat down across from me at my table. That surprised me because there were several (20) ______ . There was nothing strange about her except that she was very tall. I didn’t say anything; I just kept doing the crossword. Suddenly she reached across the table, opened my package of cakes, took one out, dunked it in her coffee, and began to eat it. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I was too shocked to say anything. Anyway I didn’t want to make a scene, so I decided (21) ____. I just took a cake myself and went to my crossword. When the woman took a second cake I didn’t make a sound. I pretended to be very interested in the puzzle. A few minutes later I casually put out my hand, took the last cake, and glanced at the woman. She was staring at me furiously. I nervously started eating the cake and decided to leave. I was ready to get up and go when the woman suddenly pushed back her chair, stood up and hurried out of the cafeteria. I (22) ____ and decided to wait for two or three minutes before going myself. I finished my coffee, folded my newspaper and stood up. And there, on the table, where my paper had been, was my package of doughnuts. A. to ignore it E. I'm not crazy about B. to attract F. felt relieved C. the rush hour G. funny thing D. strange accident H. empty tables TEXT 2 Read the text below. Choose from (A – H) the one which best fits each space (17 – 22). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet: Gold Gold (Au) is a metallic chemical element. Atomic number 79. Atomic weight 197.2. Since civilization began, gold has been regarded as (17) ______. In many societies gold was seen as a magic substance which could protect people against illness or evil spirits. It is the one material that has always been accepted (18) ______ . Humanity never seems to have enough gold, and the search for it has driven people crazy. The need to search for gold has been compared to a disease and is called “gold fever”. In the Middle Ages people (19) _____ tried to manufacture gold from other metals. In spite of the constant search for gold, the amount which has been produced since the beginning of time is only enough to make a solid block of eighteen cubic meters, the size of a large house. Because gold is untarnishable, workable, almost indestructible, durable, reflective, and conductive, it has (20) _____. About 10% of the annual production is used for industrial processes. Because it (21) _____ and does not tarnish, gold is used extensively in computers and electric consumer products. Gold has always been prescribed (22) _____ , and it is used today to treat cancer and arthritis. It is also used extensively in dentistry. A. called “alchemists” E. conducts electricity well B. in exchange for goods or services F. for various ailments C. a number of industrial uses G. a symbol of power and wealth D. decorative purposes H. seen in museums TEXT 3 Read the text below. Choose from (A – H) the one which best fits each space (17 – 22). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet: English is a World Language Today, when English is one of the major languages in the world, it (17) _____ of the imagination to realize that this is a relatively recent thing — that in Shakespeare’s time, for example, only a few million people spoke English, and (18) _____ was not thought to be very important by the other nations of Europe, and was unknown to (19) ____. English has become a world language because of its establishment as (20) _____ outside England, in all the continents of the world. This (21) _____ began in the seventeenth century, with the first settlements in North America. Above all, it is the great growth of population in the United States, assisted by massive immigration in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, that has given the English language its present standing in the world. People who speak English fall into one of three groups: those who have learned it as their native language; those who have learned it as a second language in a society that is mainly bilingual; and those who are forced to use it for (22) _____ - administrative, professional or educational. One person in seven of the world’s entire population belongs to one of these three groups. Incredibly enough, 75% of the world’s mail and 60% of world’s telephone calls are in English. A. the language E. the rest of the world B. requires an effort F. a mother tongue C. exporting of English G. foreign language D. a practical purpose H. many people. TEXT 4 Read the text below. Choose from (A – H) the one which best fits each space (17 – 22). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet: Newspapers In Britain The British papers are (17) _____ into the “popular” and the “quality” papers. The “quality” papers are for more serious (18) _____. These papers (19) _____ with reports of national and international news, stories, with the world of politics, business, art and sport. The biggest “quality” papers are: The Independent, The Financial Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Times. The “popular” papers (20) ______ “tabloids” of their small size. These newspapers with many pictures, big headlines and short articles about the Royal Family, film and pop stars, crimes, and sport. Popular press wants (21) _____ .The “popular” press are: The Daily Express, The Daily Mirror, The Sun, The Daily Star. Besides there are some papers which (22) ____ on Sundays. They have “colour supplements” – colour magazines. Reading a Sunday paper, like having a big Sunday lunch, is an important tradition in many British houses. Sunday papers are: Sunday Times, Sunday Telegraph, News of the World, Sunday Express, Sunday Mirror, Sunday People. A. are called E. like an important tradition B. are bigger in size F. to entertain its readers C. are published G. readers D. divided H. are produced TEXT 5 Read the text below. Choose from (A – H) the one which best fits each space (17 – 22). There are two choices you do not need to use. Write your answers on the answer sheet: Falling Asleep Anywhere There are times when people (17) _____ that they fall asleep almost (18) _____ . For example, there is a lot of sleeping on the bus or train (19) ______ from work in the evenings. A man will be reading the newspaper, and seconds later it appears as if he is trying to eat it. Or he will asleep on the shoulder of the stranger (20) _____ . Another place where unplanned naps go on is the lecture hall. In some classes, a student will start snoring so loudly that the professor has to ask another student to shake the sleeper awake. A more (21) _____ occurs when a student leans on one elbow and starts drifting off to sleep. The weight of the head pushes the elbow off the desk, and this momentum carries the rest of the body along. The student wakes up on the floor with no memory of getting there. The worst time to fall asleep is when driving a car. Police reports are full of accidents that occur when people (22) _____ and go off the road. If the drivers are lucky, they are not seriously hurt. When people are really tired, nothing will stop them from falling asleep — no matter where they are. A. on the way home E. are so tired B. lose consciousness F. anywhere C. sitting next to him G. funny case D. abroad H. embarrassing situation PART V (USE OF ENGLISH) TASK 5 TEXT 1 Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (23 – 32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the answer sheet: Dangerous Places There are some places where I never feel (23) _____ safe. For example, I never feel safe in bus stations. The people in bus stations often look tired and (24) _____ as they keep one hand protectively on their luggage. The security guards roaming around bus stations add to my feeling that a fight is about to break out, that someone is going (25) ____, or that someone will (26) ____ me into the dark corner. I also feel (27) ____ in large, dark parking lots. When I leave my night class a little late, or I am one of the few leaving the mall at 10 p.m., I (28) ____ the walk to my car. I am afraid that someone may (29) ____ behind another car, ready to mug me. And I fear that my car will not start, leaving me (30) ____ in the dark parking lot. The place where I feel least safe is the basement laundry room in our apartment building. No matter what time I do my laundry, I seem to be the only person there. The windows (31) _____, and the only exit is a steep flight of cement steps. While I’m folding the clothes, I feel trapped. If anyone unfriendly came down those steps, I would have nowhere to go. The pipes in the room make sudden gurgles, clanks, and hisses, adding to my uneasiness. Places like bus stations, dark parking lots, and our laundry room give me the (32) _____ . 23. A. perfectly B. wholly C.completely D. thoroughly 24. A. panicky B. startled C. assured D. scared 25. A. to be mugged B. to be stolen from C. to be taken away D. to be set upon 26. A. impose B. lean on C. force D. push 27. A. harmful B. hurt C. uncertain D. unsafe 28. A. worry B. drive C. dread D. shy 29. A. be waiting B. be lurking C. be hiding D. be dreading 30. A. stuck B. fixed C. stumped D. baffled 31. A. are fastened B. are barred C. are obstructed D. are banned 32. A. tremors B. shudders C. vibrations D. shivers TEXT 2 Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (23 – 32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the answer sheet: A Final Word of Warning Many languages have words which are considered (23) _____, holy, (24) _____ or shocking, and which are only used in certain situations, or by certain people. For instance, in some African tribes the names of dead chiefs must not be said; in many cultures, words associated with religious (25) _____ are used only on religious occasions, or by priests. Words of this kind can be called “taboo words”. Linguistic taboos are less strong than they used to be. However, students should be very careful about using taboo words and swearwords. There are two reasons for this. First of all, it is not easy to know the (26) _____ strength of these expressions in a foreign language, or to know what kind of people are shocked by them, and in what (27) _____. One may easily say something that is meant as a joke, but which seriously (28) _____ the people one is talking to. And secondly, swearing (29) _____ indicates membership of a group: one most often swears in front of people one knows well, who belong to one’s own “social circle”, age group, etc. (Children usually (30) _____ swearing in front of adults, so as not to (31) _____ or shock them, and adults avoid swearing in front of children for similar reasons.) So if a foreigner uses swearwords, he may give the impression that he is (32) _____ membership of a group that he does not belong to. 23. A. dangerous B. serious C. critical D. unsafe 24. A. charming B. marvellous C. magic D.fascinating 25. A. credits B.impressions C. feelings D. beliefs 26. A. definite B. exact C. careful D. orderly 27. A. items B. means C.circumstances D. positions 28. A. upsets B. confuses C. disturbs D. tips 29. A.extensively B. generally C. universally D. regularly 30. A. escape B. prevent C. evade D. avoid 31. A. provoke B. trouble C. annoy D. anger 32. A. asking B. claiming C. demanding D. insisting TEXT 3 Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (23 – 32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the answer sheet: A Food Tester In order to become a food tester, there are certain requirements an applicant needs to meet including (23) ____ the appropriate education, applying (24) ____ a suitable position, and understanding the functions of the job. Food testers (25) ____ by restaurants, food companies, and farms to ensure product quality. These professionals are given the tasks of sampling different foods and evaluating them on a variety of (26) ____ , such as appearance, texture, and flavor. The information (27) ____ from the taste testers (28) ____ to create and improve food products for wholesale and retail sales. For this reason, most companies (29) ____ applicants willing to take the time to provide serious, helpful feedback. The minimal education requirement to become a food tester (30) ____ a high school diploma or an acceptable equivalent. There are more skills (31) _____ to become a food tester than just tasting foods. Serious applicants should be aware that the job they (32) ____ is vitally important to the production and marketing of a company’s products. 23. A. having B. having had C. being have D. to have 24. A. on B. of C. for D. at 25. A. is commonly employed B. employed are commonly C. were commonly employed D. are commonly employed 26. A. criterion B. criteria C. criterias D. criterions 27. A. gain B. gains C. gained D. gaining 28. A. is used B. are used C. was used D. were used 29. A. look at B. look for C. look up D. look off 30. A. is B. be C. are D. will be 31. A. require B. requiring C. required D. will require 32. A. is performing B. are performing C. performed D. will perform TEXT 4 Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (23 – 32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the answer sheet: Cycle of Evil There was once a king who was so cruel and unjust that his subjects yearned for his death or dethronement. (23) ____, one day he surprised them all by announcing that he had decided to (24) ____ a new leaf. “No more cruelty, no more injustice”, he promised, and he was as good as his word. He became known as the “Gentle Monarch”. Months after his transformation one of his ministers (25) ____ enough courage to ask him what had brought about his change of heart, and the king answered: “As I was galloping through my forests I (26) ____ of a fox being chased by a hound. The fox escaped into his hole but not before the hound had bitten into its leg and lamed it for life. (27) ____ I rode into a village and saw the same hound there. It was barking at a man. Even as I watched, the man (28) ____ a huge stone and flung it at the dog, breaking its leg. The man had not gone far when he was kicked by a horse. His knee was shattered and he fell to the ground, (29) ____ for life. The horse began to run but it fell into a (30) ____ and broke its leg. Reflecting on all that had happened, I thought: “Evil (31) _____ evil. If I continue in my evil ways, I will surely be overtaken by evil. So I decided to change”. The minister went away (32) _____ that the time was ripe to overthrow the king and seize the throne. Immersed in thought, he did not see the steps in front of him and fell, breaking his neck. 23. A. otherwise B. however C. moreover D. although 24. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn over 25. A. plucked up B. plucked at C. plucked on D. plucked in 26. A. caught up B. caught sight C. caught breath D. caught hold 27. A. First B. Finally C. Later D. Eventually 28. A. picked at B. picked on C. picked out D. picked up 29. A. disabled B. beaten C. sick D. unable 30. A. hall B. whole C. hole D. hell 31. A. begets B. bears C. mothers D. forths 32. A. persuaded B. sure C. convinced D. ready TEXT 5 Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (23 – 32) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the answer sheet: Movies Also known as movies, film, or cinema, the motion picture is one of the most popular forms of art and entertainment throughout the world. It is also a major source of information. Every week, (33) ____ of people go to the movies. Many millions more watch movies that (34) ____ on television or are played back on a videotape player. But movies are (35) ____ than just entertainment. The motion picture is a major art form, as are, for example, painting and drama. Artists express (36) ____ by using paint and dramatists by using words. Filmmakers express their ideas (37) ____ a motion-picture camera. By using the camera in different ways, the filmmaker can express different (38) _____ . A filmmaker may film scenes for a picture in a (39) ____ , on a mountain, and in a large city. We can enjoy many forms of art and entertainment by ourselves. We can enjoy (40) ____ a story or looking at a painting alone. But films are intended to be viewed in theatres. As a result, we usually enjoy a motion picture the most when we watch it as part of a large audience. Although movies are increasingly watched at home on television or videocassette, most films have their strongest impact on viewers in theatres. In addition to their artistic and entertainment values, movies (41) ____ also widely ____ in education, especially as teaching aids. Teachers use such films in classes on Geography, History, Mathematics, and the Physical and Social sciences. Movies use slow motion, animation, and other special techniques to demonstrate processes that could not be seen or studied well. For example, a film can show the formation of crystals at fast speed so a class can study this process. Television stations use motion pictures to inform as well as to entertain their viewers. TV stations often present documentaries. A documentary tries to present information in a dramatic and entertaining way. Documentaries deal (42) ____ a variety of subjects, such as environmental pollution and the history of presidential elections. 23. A. million B. millions C. million’s D. millions’ 24. A. are broadcast B. were broadcast C. are being broadcast D. have been broadcast 25. A. more much B. many more C. much more D. more most 26. A. them B. theirselves C. themselfs D. themselves 27. A. though B. through C. thought D. throughout 28. A. point of view B. points of view C. point of views D. points of views 29. A. desert B. dessert C. deserts D. desserts 30. A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads 31. A. were used B. are used C. are being used D. have been used 32. A. in B. on C. with D. for PART VI (USE OF ENGLISH) TASK 6 TEXT 1 Read the text below. For each of the empty space (33 – 42) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the answer sheet: The Legend of the Rice In the days when the earth was young and all things were (33) ______ than they now are, when men and women were stronger and of greater beauty, and the fruit of the trees was larger and sweeter than that which we now eat, rice, the food of the people, was of (34) ______ grain. One grain was all a man could eat; and in (35) ______ early days, such, too, was the merit of the people, they never (36) _____ gathering the rice, for, when ripe, it fell from the stalks and rolled into the villages, even into the granaries. And upon a year when the rice was larger and (37) _____ than ever before, a widow said to her daughter, “Our granaries are too small. We (38) _____ them down and build larger”. When the old granaries (39) _____ down and the new one not yet ready for use, the rice was ripe in the fields. Great haste (40) _____, but the rice came rolling in where the work was going on, and the widow, angered, struck, a grain and cried, “Could you not wait in the fields until we were ready? You (41) _____ us now when you are not wanted.” The rice broke into thousands of pieces and said, “From this time forth, we will wait in the fields until we are wanted”. And from that time the rice (42) _____ of small grain, and the people of the earth must gather it into the granary from the fields. 33. A. good B. best C. better D. the better 34. A. largest B. the larger C. larger D. the largest 35. A. these B. those C. that D. this 36. A. had to toil B. has to toil C. has toiled D. had toiled 37. A. plentifuller B. more plentiful C. most plentiful D. the most plentiful 38. A. would pull B. will be pulling C. will pull D. would be pulling 39. A. were pulled B. pulled C. had pulled D. was pulled 40. A. made B. was made C. had been made D. has been made 41. A. should not bother B. may not bother C. cannot bother D. mustn’t bother 42. A. had been B. were C. was D. has been TEXT 2 Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty space (33 – 42) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the answer sheet: Old Mrs. Meadows One day Mrs. George met me in the street and told me that they (33) _____ a letter from their Uncle George, whom them all thought dead. The letter (34) _____ them of his coming. “Just fancy”, she said, “he (35) _____ here for fifty years.” And old Mrs. Meadows sits there and smiles to herself! All she (36) _____ is that he was very good-looking, but not so steady as his brother Tom! Mrs. George invited me to (37) _____ and see the old man. I accepted the invitation with joy, as I knew the story of Uncle George Meadows and it amused me because it was like an old ballad. It was touching to (38) _____ such a story in real life. More than fifty years ago, when Mrs. Meadows was Emily Green, a young charming girl, George and his younger brother Tom both courted her. When Emily married Tom, George had gone to sea. For twenty years he sent them presents now and then; then there was no (39) _____ news of him. After her husband’s death Emily wrote George about it, but never received an answer. And the previous day, (40) _____ their greatest surprise they received his letter, in which he wrote that he (41) _____ with rheumatism and feeling he had not much longer to live, wanted to return to the house in which he was born. When I came the wholy family was assembled in the kitchen. I was amused to see that. Mrs. Meadows (42) _____ her best silk dress. On the other side of the fireplace sat an old man with a wrinkled yellow face. 33. A. has received B. received C. have received D. had received 34. A. informs B. informed C. has informed D. was informed 35. A. hadn’t been B. haven’t been C. hasn’t been D. was 36. A. says B. said C. has said D. is saying 37. A. look at B. look out C. look in D. look through 38. A. come about B. come up C. come down D. come across 39. A. many B. most C. more D. much 40. A. to B. on C. in D. for 41. A. crippled B. was crippled C. had been crippled D. has been crippled 42. A. wore B. has worn C. has been wearing D. was wearing TEXT 3 Read the text below. For each of the empty space (33 – 42) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the answer sheet: Sport is Important It is very important to find time to do sport. People who (33) _____ long hours need to do some physical exercise, especially if they work in an office or spend a lot of time sitting down. Sport is good for your heart. Of course, you must not do too much and you must follow your doctor’s advice. When you exercise, your muscles need more oxygen and so your heart (34) _____ faster. You (35) _____ exercise regularly and slowly at first. Your muscles get better and your heart (36) _____ stronger. Some people are shy to do sport because they are fat. Your weight (37) _____ nothing ____ with physical exercise. There is always something that you (38) _____. You can have a medical check-up if you prefer but you (39) _____ if you don’t want to. Exercising helps you to slim. Try swimming, for example. It is a great pleasure to rest but it is more important to do some exercising. Try to find a gym near your work or near your home so you (40) ____ to travel very far. You mustn’t become lazy. That is bad for your health. Sport is also a way of relaxing! It stops you thinking about your problems and helps you to sleep better. Sport is one of the benefits of our life. I think that (41) _____ must do all possible to be healthy and keep fit. Nowadays we have (42) _____ possibilities to go in for sports. 33. A. worked B. work C. is working D. have been working 34. A. has been beating B. had been beating C. has to beat D. has beating 35. A. may B. must C. have to D. can 36. A. is getting B. was getting C. got D. gets 37. A. has … to do B. have … to do C. has been … to do D. have been … to do 38. A. could do B. can do C. must do D. may do 39. A. don’t need B. doesn’t need C. needn’t D. will need 40. A. haven’t B. don’t have C. don’t has D. will have 41. A. everyone B. nobody C. anybody D. every 42. A. every B. whole C. all D. no TEXT 4 Read the text below. For each of the empty space (33 – 42) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the answer sheet: Life is a Gift There was a blind girl who hated (33) ______ just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her (34) _____ boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she (35) _____ only _____ the world, she (36) _____ her boyfriend. One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, “Now that you can see the world, (37) _____ you _____ me?” The girl (38) _____ when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her (39) _____ . “Just take care of my eyes, dear”. This is how human brain changes when the status changed. Only (40) _____ remember what life was before, and who’s always been there even in the most painful situations. Life is a gift. Today before you (41) _____ of saying an unkind word – think of someone who can’t speak. Before you (42) _____ about the taste of your food – think of someone who has nothing to eat. 33. A. her B. hers C. herself D. she 34. A. loved B. loving C. lovely D. love 35. A. could … see B. can … see C. be able … to see D. could seen 36. A. would marry B. will marry C. marry D. married 37. A. will … to marry B. would … married C. will … have married D. will … marry 38. A. shocked B. was shocked C. Made D. To make 39. A. said B. says C. saying D. having said 40. A. little B. a little C. fewer D. few 41. A. will think B. think C. would think D. thought 42. A.complaining B. would complain C. complain D. will complain TEXT 5 Read the text below. For each of the empty space (33 – 42) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your answers on the answer sheet: A Funny Story For his expedition to the South Pole, Captain Robert Scott needed (33) ______ money. He was not a rich man (34) ______, so he had to find people who could give him the money. First Scott (35) _____ to David Lloyd George, who was at that time an important member of the British Government. The Captain thought that he could get money from the Government. Lloyd George was not a kind man and many people in England (36) _____ him. In his answer Lloyd George said that the Government could give him only a small part of the money that he needed for the expedition. Then he (37) _____ Captain Scott the address of a very rich man who was interested (38) _____ Arctic expeditions, and advised him to ask that man to help him with money. Scott went to that rich man and explained what he wanted. “(39) _____ sent you here to me?” the rich man asked. When Scott said that it was Lloyd George, the rich man (40) _____ . Then he said: “I can give you fifty thousand pounds, if Lloyd George goes (41) ______ your expedition to the South Pole. And if you leave him there, I (42) _____ you another fifty thousand pounds”. 33. A. more B. much C. all D. many 34. A. themselves B. herself C. himself D. theirself 35. A. speaks B. had spoken C. has spoken D. spoke 36. A. did not like B. liked C. likes D. like 37. A. give B. gave C. has given D. had given 38. A. on B. for C. in D. at 39. A. Whom B. Whose C. Who D. Why 40. A. laughs B. laughed C. had laughed D. laugh 41. A. at B. with C. on D. to 42. A. give B. gave C. has given D. shall give WRITING 1. You are going to take part in the international conference. Write a report about the protection of nature (at least 100 words) in your country: express the organizing committee your gratitude for the invitation; inform about the problems of air, land and water pollution in Ukraine; inform about the measures to ensure pure air, oceans and seas done by the United Nations and Great Britain in particular. 2. You were invited to the conference on the healthy way of life. Write the notes of your speech (at least 100 words) at this conference: say about the health care system in Ukraine; what the concept “healthy way of life” means; the advantages of the healthy way of life. 3. Once you have heard the conversation concerning the problem of upbringing children by parents in the family. Write an essay (at least 100 words) and say: what causes the conflicts within a family; describe the problems of teenagers; who can help children to find the right way out in case of need. 4. You are invited to take part in the international conference about the influence of the rock music on the lifestyle of the young people. Write the notes of your speech at the conference (at least 100 words) and: explain the world-wide complaints about the effect of the rock music on the young people; describe the results of the volume of sound at rock concerts; explain the great popularity of the rock music among young people. 5. We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers good or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? Use specific details and examples in your answer (at least 100 words).
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